Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Joy Daycare Marketing Plan
Bliss childcare promoting system and how it lines up with its showcasing objectives Advertising is an essential showcasing apparatus particularly for new organizations. Publicizing empowers an organization to elevate items/administrations mindfulness among likely shoppers (Fisk, Grove John, 2008). In the event that adequately executed, promoting is equipped for expanding deals and producing huge revenues.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Joy Daycare Marketing Plan explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the precarious part is the way to think of successful methodologies particularly for private venture like Joy childcare focus. The principle advertising objective for Joy childcare focus is to expand its piece of the overall industry consistently with a focused on development pace of 10% p.a. To accomplish this goal, with we will connect with the administrations of a site facilitating supplier to guarantee that the business keeps up on-line ne arness. This methodology was picked in light of the fact that most guardians are leading their exercises (shopping, classes) on the web, in this manner they are probably going to be searching for kid care administrations by means of a similar medium. Furthermore, flyers, leaflets and business cards bearing Joy childcare logo will be structured and deliberately conveyed inside the area. How the viability of the promoting will be estimated According to Fisk, Grove and John (2008), the adequacy of publicizing methodologies ought to be estimated dependent on the underlying goals for doing this crusade. Happiness childcare publicizing and special methodologies were structured so as to illuminate clients about our administrations and by so doing build deals. Besides, limited time systems reinforce brand picture among existing clients. We will test mindfulness dependent on the quantity of enquiries we get from potential clients looking for additional data. Furthermore, the brand picture an d deals target will be estimated dependent on the quantity of asks we get by means of the different correspondence mediums provided in the adverts. Moreover, we will likewise catch up to build up whether these asks means deals. Special systems that might be utilized notwithstanding publicizing The inside will configuration caps, shirts, mugs and bookmarks bearing Joy childcare logo and contact subtleties, appropriate them among existing guardians, and give them additional ones to take to their companions. We will routinely direct ordinary network tidy up exercises and solicitation guardians to welcome different families. A Christmas show for youngsters the two individuals and non-individuals will be sorted out. Estimating consumer loyalty for Joy childcare administrations According to Hayes (2008), consumer loyalty is the way to organizations achievement. Significant level of consumer loyalty has been related with expanded client devotion which inevitably builds a business piece of the overall industry and gainfulness. Moreover, elevated level of consumer loyalty advances verbal publicizing, though low fulfillment will prompt help/item exchanging (Hayes, 2008). On this note, a consumer loyalty measure accordingly turns into a basic instrument in advertising since an advertiser needs to keep track on whether their item/administration is living up to their client desires (Fisk, Grove John, 2008).Advertising Looking for report on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To start with, the middle will present a client care work area that will encourage client care studies. Furthermore, two surveys will be structured. The main survey is for new clients and they will be given to unexperienced parents on the primary day. This survey will contain straightforward inquiries where guardians will be mentioned to list their assumptions regarding kid care administrations. The subsequent survey wi ll be controlled to proceeding with clients whereby they will be approached to state what they like or don't care for about Joy childcare administrations. Inquiries in this subsequent poll will be intended to quantify four degrees of consumer loyalty; Satisfaction dependent on the nature of our preparation programs Satisfaction dependent on the adaptability of our working hours Satisfaction dependent on our staff invitingness Satisfaction and steadfastness for example OK prescribe Joy childcare to different guardians? Why (not)? These answers will be measured on a week after week premise, to guarantee that we are bundling Joy childcare focus alluringly to our clients. How holes in client desires and encounters will be tended to Customer fulfillment is an individual’s assessment of an item/administration dependent on biased desires (Fisk, Grove John, 2008). Despite the fact that we attempt to keep up elevated level of client care, a few cases of administration disappointment m ay be inescapable because of conditions outside our ability to control. On this note, the accompanying systems will be received to encourage administration recuperation (Fisk, Grove John, 2008). Obviously, every parent inside our objective market has his/her own assumption regarding the sort of pre-school preparing programs they would wish their kids to get. In this manner, it is normal that a few occurrences of disappointments are probably going to emerge. To contain this presumable consumer loyalty disappointment, it is upon Joy childcare client care delegate to cause the guardians to comprehend why our picked educational program is superior to the rest in the market. Bliss childcare will work an adaptable timetable that is probably going to be reasonable over the whole objective market. To address staff agreeableness hole, we will guarantee that our staff get consistent preparing in client care. In particular, a client support agent will consistently be available to arrangement w ill outrageous instances of client disappointment. For example, a youngster may get injured inside our premises and an incensed parent connects with our staff in unsavory scene. In such a circumstance, the client care delegate will attempt to contain the parent, and as a major aspect of our duty to contain administration disappointment, half of the doctor's visit expenses will be cooked for by Joy childcare center.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Joy Daycare Marketing Plan explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Fisk, R. P., Grove, S. J. John, J. (2008). Intelligent administrations showcasing. Boston: Cengage learning. Hayes, B. E. (2008). Estimating consumer loyalty and unwaveringness: review configuration, use, and factual investigation techniques. Milwaukee, Wi: ASQ Quality Press. This report on Joy Daycare Marketing Plan was composed and put together by client Jillian Farmer to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here. Bliss Daycare Marketing Plan
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jonathan Franzen - the Discomfort Zone free essay sample
An individual History experts of one keeps an eye on personality by V Jonathan Franzens The Discomfort Zone is basically an assortment of Franzens articles distributed in The New Yorker that manage issues, life time encounters, both social and enthusiastic part of the writers life. This exposition will concentrate principally on Franzens strong endeavor to make a self picture and simultaneously make it decipherable and far reaching such that anybody could adapt to the issues and encounters he had during his development. The book contains six articles : House available to be purchased, Two Ponies, Then Joy Breaks Through, Centrally Located, The Foreing Language and My Bird Problem which are written in a self-portraying, sequential way that empowers the peruser to follow his life from youth, pre-adulthood to his development. In the firts area of the book, entitled House available to be purchased, Jonathan comes back to his family home in St. We will compose a custom article test on Jonathan Franzen the Discomfort Zone or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Louis after his moms demise, in endeavor to sell the house wher he went through the majority of his time on earth. Here is the place Franzen shows his clever and funny brain, paying little mind to how genuine and grevious the situtaion is : ÂÃ'›I experienced the house and stripped the family photographs out of each room. Id been anticipating do this nearly as much with respect to my beverage. My mom had been excessively joined to the custom of her front room and lounge area to mess them with snaphots, yet somewhere else each wndowsill and each table-top was a whirlpool in which economically encircled photographs had aggregated. (4) He analyzes his moms house to a novel which she consistently redesigned and improved consistently. When discussing his moms lifetime battle to keep everything inside and outside the house all together, he feels the despairing nd disappointment with the manner in which things finished. On one hand he needed the house to be sold and even loathed it , yet on the other, as he says : Ã'› Id grown out of the novel Id once been so glad to live in, and how little I even thought about the last deal cost. (25) Franzen additionally figured out how to fit a portion of his political a social thoughts and suppositions in this area. He discusses the social circumstance in America during his youth which was formed by the possibility that the center common laborers would consistently feel the obligation to its general public. He amends both liberal and preservationist political idea of the time eing and places himself in the Ã'›middle: substantial, skinlike, mash smelling masses that reglued themselves to my dads work boots, there was only my family and house and church and school and work. (15) In Two Ponies we follow the life of Jonathan as a multi year old kid and his appearance on both family life and current social circumstances around him. The initial piece of this area really gives an indication about the connections inside the Franzen family. He was growing up close by his two siblings, Tom and Bob, whom he acknowledged and regarded boundlessly. As per Jonathan, Tom is a genuine agent of the social pestilence of that time, an insubordinate youthful who fled from home in a quest for his own character: Ã'› Late teenagers in rural areas like our own had out of nowhere gone crazy, fleeing to different urban areas to engage in sexual relations and not ot set off for college, ingesting each substance they could get.. For some time, the guardians were so scared thus embarrassed that every family, especilly mine, isolated itself and endured without anyone else Toms bed, flawlessly made, was the bed of a child took away by the pandemic. (32) disregarding being a kid, Jonathan can give solace to his mom in times she felt pity and disgrace as a result of Toms leaving. He is thusly unconciously developing his passionate quality and simultaneously holding with his mom more than ever. The voracious fixation on Charles M. Schulzs Ã'›Peanut Treasury is curious now and again. As he carries on with an existence of an amazingly phenomenal understudy, he quite often and at all events thinks about his neighborhood, school, companions, family with the Ã'›Peanuts. In his dream and in his fantasies he turned into a piece of that funny cartoon. In The Washington Post survey Birds on the Brain A writer uncovered his life as a geek, Bob Ivry composed : Ã'›ln that agitated season, Franzen looked for comfort in a private, serious connection with Snoopy and the remainder of the Peanuts pack. The adult Franzen can perceive any reason why his pre-youngster mint-me would distinguish so fanatically, and the explanation is no less grievous for its conventionality: Nobody grows up, or separated, in a funny cartoon. Charlie Brown speaks to an on going motivation for Franzen. The world as he knew it was formed by the thoughts from the very character. A large number of his school exercises esemble a ton to the narratives in Ã'›Peanut Treasury, for example, the spelling honey bee, where he really discovered he was a lot of serious and delighted in uncovering his extraordinary information and his Ã'›geek soul to other people. ÂÃ'›Our cerebrums resemble visual artists and kid's shows resemble our minds, rearranging and overstating, subjecting facial detail to extract comic ideas. (40) Jonathan cherishes comic books and kid's shows the same amount of as some other kid his age, however not at all like others, looking for another, better reality, he Ã'›sticks around much mo re than others, peculiarly up till end of his juvenile years. It is in this area that Franzen mentiones the Ã'›Comfort Zone , the indoor regulator mother and him. At that point Joy Breaks Through is one of the fascinating pieces of the book where Jonathan is in his immature years and is opposing the normal high school enticements. Jonathan joins a gathering of youngsters called Ã'›Fellowship which was supported by the First Congregational Church. During an end of the week retreat with the Ã'›Fellowship the kids are occupied with various exercises typicall for such outdoors trips, but on the other hand are appealed by different enticements (drugs, alcohol,sex and so forth) which are clearly taboo. Be that as it may, all Jonathan concernes about is the means by which to stay away from Ã'›Social Death and not confronting the embarasement in the event that somebody discovered his moms letter where she tended to him as Ã'›Dearest Jonathan.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Work and Energy
Work and Energy Having spent the majority of orientation meeting new people, staying up late, and climbing on roofs, I met the start of school with a dangerous sense of nonchalance. Consequently, I spent the first month of classes burning the midnight oil and wishing Id worked harder over weekends. Last week was the worst: physics pre-lab assignment, chem p-set, dance (Natya the Indian classical dance team) practices, calculus midterm, physics quiz, seminar readings and other things Ive probably unconsciously blocked from memory. Any sleep I lost was never found; TGIF took on a whole new meaning. So this week, I decided to shape up a little. By this, I mean: get more sleep, be more productive, win at life. Huzzah! With this noble intention in mind, I woke up bright and early on Sunday morning, gathered my books, went to a study room, and didnt move for about four hours, during which time I read avidly for 18.02 (Multivariable Calculus) and STS.005 (Disease and Society in America a.k.a. my humanities class for this semester). Now Im basically best friends with partial derivatives. I probably know more about smallpox and swine flu than I do about myself. The Lagrange multiplier no longer bamboozles my intellect. If I ever met Charles Rosenberg (author of several STS.005 readings), I could impress him with my summaries of his work. Best of all, Ive gotten seven hours of sleep every single day this week, my eating schedule again possesses (whoa, there are a lot of ss in that word) a semblance of normalcy, and MIT appears much less intimidating. Thats not to say its easy. This semester, in accordance with the freshman credit limit, Im taking four classes (STS.005, 18.02, 5.112 Principles of Chemistry, 8.01 Physics) and a seminar (The Art and Science of Medicine). Theyre all great courses, but the homework is so, so time-consuming. Chem and Calc have problem sets due each week. Physics too has p-sets, but (thankfully!) theyre never due/graded. My seminar has weekly readings, but its so awesome that I dont even mind staring at multiple pages of scientific jargon. My HASS is fascinating, not the least because I get to see Winnie-the-Pooh cartoons (in which Pooh makes fun of Piglet for having swine flu) and hear various Jay Leno quotes. Because Im taking three GIRs this semester, I have a lot of classes with friends and dorm-mates. When it comes time to do homework, we often work together, wake each other up from sporadic naps, make coffee runs, and watch Whose line is it anyway? during study breaks. Just a few hours ago, I put all our study sessions to the test as I took my first 5.112 exam of the year. As I scrawled energy equations all over my test booklet and frantically tried to finish problem 5 in the allotted time, I realized just how legit the work-energy relation is in real life. Ive seriously never accomplished anything worthwhile while worn-out or exhausted. Which is why Im liking this whole seven hours of sleep + regular meals dealio. Now, who thinks I can keep it up?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Individual Differences Approach to Personality...
The Individual Differences Approach to Personality: Personality is a term that has largely been considered an unproblematic concept and primarily refers to the varying kinds of characteristics of individuals. Despite this assumption, psychologists have constantly used the word in different ways. The varying views in the use of this concept or term are fueled by the fact that psychology usually makes generalizations regarding individuals. Generally, personality seeks to examine the many differences and similarities between individuals. Formal evaluation and study of personality have mainly focused on patterns of similarities versus patterns of differences among individuals. When evaluating patterns of differences, the concept of†¦show more content†¦Unlike the nomothetic approach, idiographic uses a case study method in order to provide a detailed account of the behaviors, feelings, subjective experiences, and lives of singles individuals. One of the major examples of i diographic approach in examining individual differences is the case study of the psychoanalytic approach as a means of thinking about personality. The study of individual differences has basically been based on nomothetic personality research despite the focus of this approach on making generalizations and establishing personality structures for every individual. The use of this approach is based on the fact that it does not explore individuality but identifying global dimensions for the entire population of people. The scores of individuals on these dimensions are then used as the basis for differentiation and comparison of people. Explanation of Personality with Reference to Genes: The individual differences approach to assessing personality goes beyond personality descriptions in order to determine the causes of differences in personality. One of the ways that the causes of differences are examined in these studies is through the use of biological systems in light of the probable contributions of genetics to personality (Thomas, n.d., 295). In this case, psychologists have attempted to map individual differences in personality according to brain structure or function. These
Monday, May 11, 2020
Shadows On The Skin A Study Of Dually Randall And Paul...
Shadows on the Skin: A Study of Dually Randall and Paul Laurence Dunbar Dually Randall and Paul Laurence Dunbar are two African American writers living during the early twentieth century. These men did not know each other, however, they both encountered the same hardship of being an African American living before the civil rights movement. Both men use poems that emphasize sound, structure and imagery to express what they experienced during that harsh time. A careful analysis of â€Å"We Wear the Mask†and â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†expose that the shadows cast on their skin has a lasting impression. Dunbar and Randall both use interesting imagery in their poems to display how the character truly feels. In the â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,†stanzas†¦show more content†¦Lastly, â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†also uses auditory imagery when the mother calls her child â€Å"baby†and allows her to sing in the â€Å"children’s†choir . By this, the reader is able to see that the mother does not think of her child as grown. Images are very important in a poem because it allows the reader to visualize in his/her mind what the character is going through and can better relate. Poetry often uses sound to maintain a flow that keeps the reader interested and involved in a poem. Onomatopoeia is used in both â€Å"We Wear the Mask†and â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†in one way and another. In the â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,†alliteration is used when the consonant â€Å"W†is used in the line â€Å"her eyes grew wet and wild.†(26) In the same respect, â€Å"We Wear the Mask†states â€Å"But let the world dream otherwise/We wear the mask.†(14,15) The sound of the â€Å"W†is also repeated three times in these lines. Assonance is also a common sound used in both of the poems. In â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,†the vowel â€Å"O†is repeated in the line â€Å"No, baby, no you cannot go.†(4,13) Also, the vowel â€Å"E†is repeated in the line â€Å"It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes†(2) in â€Å"We Wear the Mask.†The way in which a consonant or vowel is repeated brin gs a pleasing sound to the reader’s ear. The only major difference that the two poems contain is that in â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,†the tone of the poem changes from a normal
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effect of Economic Crisis Towards Politics in Malaysia Free Essays
We have discussed the impact of economic crisis towards economy and social. But there are other consequences due to this subject. One of them is political. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Economic Crisis Towards Politics in Malaysia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Malaysia is practicing the democratic system which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally either directly or through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of laws (Roberts, H. Cox. 2012) However, the economic crisis could lead to the destructible of the stable political status in the country. Malaysia now days have lists of political parties that have the same aim which is to rule Malaysia. On the other hand, economic crisis is one of the crimp to these political parties to rule the country or even to the dominant political party such as UMNO. When the Asian financial crisis 1997 hit Malaysia, the impact was traumatic. There was economic and political turmoil. The stock market, the currency and the property market nearly collapsed. That in turn affected the overall economy. UMNO, the dominant political party in the ruling alliance, experienced political turbulence when its charismatic deputy president, Anwar Ibrahim, was expelled from the party when he disagreed with the then president, Mahathir Mohamad, over, among other things, Mahathir’s rejection of loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Yet, Malaysia was not that badly affected as compared to some of its neighbors. It did not experience the extent of the socio-political distress as occurred in Indonesia where the rioting that broke out ultimately led to the overthrow of Suharto. Nor was its economic sovereignty that deeply compromised as happened in Indonesia and Thailand when both countries were forced to accept the conditions imposed by the IMF for the acceptance of their loans. Besides, there is a major consideration of questions is the view purported by some quarters that Dr. Mahathir has â€Å"overstayed†his tenure and that heir apparent Anwar would have been the right successor of a more liberal Malaysia. The questions being around at that time is does it true that Anwar rejection is the consequences of he brings the economic down term in Malaysia and idea in conserving loan from IMF or because Dr. Mahathir is feeling discomfort or unsecure due to the trusts and confident level of the people is falling down? This questions has delivered main elements of events of the recent two years is that possibly what transpired between Mahathir and Anwar climaxed as a second â€Å"battle royale†in Malaysia’s political history. There is more than a hint that underneath it all was a political contestation fought with intense intrigue and complexity; one reflection observes that the â€Å"Anwar group†(some call it the Anwaristas, as opposed to the â€Å"Mahathirists†) had indeed been conspiring to take the mantle of power by contrived means. Accordingly, it was a â€Å"plot†exposed in time by Dr. Mahathir’s forces. But yet, to suggest a real political division between â€Å"Mahathirists†and â€Å"Anwaristas†in the Malaysian political scenario is too neat an explanation of reality, and certainly these inchoate groupings are not mutually exclusive. As may be expected, there are also the â€Å"fence-sitters†. As we noticed, Anwar expels is due to the economic crisis. But if we storming deeper, the existence of opposition of the ruling parties in Malaysia (Barisan Rakyat), namely Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Parti Keadilan Rakyat is formed in 2003 by a merger of the National Justice Party and the older Malaysian People’s Party. Keadilan was led by Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail ( Anwar’s wife) and increased its parliamentary representation from 1 seat to 31 seats in the Malaysian general election, 2008 until the five-year political ban imposed on former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was lifted on 14 April 2008. Here we can see the existence of one more political party in Malaysia due to economic crisis. Anwar Ibrahim has been expels from the party and he form another party through his wife in the period of he was arrested in jail. Through this brings up another question to Malaysian. Whether Parti Keadilan Rakyat is really stand up on representing the public fate and rights? Or else, is just because of Anwar’s agenda to be the Prime Minister is failed because he was expelled from being Deputy Prime Minister by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Then he forms up his own political party? No matter what the question is, we can see that the existence of Parti Keadilan Rakyat giving a huge impact on the political environment in Malaysia. Large portion of society putting their trusts on Keadilan Rakyat and this is the warning and a big challenge to the government Malaysia in uling the country very well. The Malaysia government, Barisan Nasional is doing their best to society because they believe that Keadilan Rakyat have their own strength and ability in overcoming the government. In conclusion, economic crisis brings up too many negative impacts towards our politics in Malaysia such as expellation of Anwar Ibrahim, unsta ble of ruling political party Barisan Nasional, the disunity of public trusts in ruling political party due to lost in trust of the leader on that time. However, the existence of main opposition party Parti Keadilan Rakyat brings a very great impact to government on how they rule the country due to the possibility and ability of Parti Keadilan Rakyat to gain the public trusts. Thus, economic down term really brings a negative impact toward Malaysia in short run, but however the subject brings a cause of positive impact toward Malaysia political environment in long term. How to cite Effect of Economic Crisis Towards Politics in Malaysia, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Walden Essay Example For Students
Walden Essay Manns 1Ken MannsMike SandersEnglish 1000215 February 2001â€Å"To Be Awake is to Be Alive†Why do so few Americans not see all of the problems in society? Do they simply not care or are they not able to see them? With Thoreau’s statement, â€Å"To be awake is to be alive†, he implies that Americans have their eyes closed to these issues. They do not choose to overlook these issues but they simply pass them by because their eyes are shut. Some people are not able to grasp the concept in Thoreau’s statement and find it to be foreign or subversive because it threatens the way the see the world. Many people who happen to fall into the cultural norms find Thoreau’s statement to be intimidating. The way they view the world is extremely sheltered they do not choose this, it is jus t the way they are. They have always viewed the world through a screen that filters what they see. This screen is different for each individual depending on his or her cultural ba ckground and/or home environment. These factors along with many others create the screen by which they see the world. We will write a custom essay on Walden specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Different cultural backgrounds have different taboos. These taboos define what is and is not acceptable for the people within that culture. Such as India where they do not believe in interracial marriages while in Western Europe most people do not have an issue with them. Home environment is also a major factor in what is allowed though the screen. The beliefs passed down through a family are commonly not questioned. The children are taught the beliefs of the family and are expected to carry on the traditions. Some people do question their backgrounds by removing the screen. They see the world for what it is both good and bad and not how they would like to see it. Meanwhile, others cringe at the thought of removing the screen. These people are so used to the screen they are afraid of what might lay on the other side. Some are so dependent on this screen they would even feel that Thoreau’s statement is subversive. They feel as though removing the screen could potentially alter their entire existence. Having this screen is not a terrible thing but not knowing what lies on the other side is. Thoreau’s statement is not universally true. For some people it is necessary to question the beliefs passed to them. For those people the screen is a hindrance from the world around them. Others need the screen to protect them from what they are not familiar with. They cannot handle ideas that are filtered by their screen. Neither way of viewing the world is correct, each has its own problems but both can be utilized to view the world. BibliographyWorks CitedThoreau, Henry David. Walden. New York: Norton, 1951. English Essays
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Explaining Marx essays
Explaining Marx essays In Karl Marx's early writing on "estranged labour" there is a clear and prevailing focus on the plight of the labourer. Marx's writing on estranged labour is and attempt to draw a stark distinction between property owners and workers. In the writing Marx argues that the worker becomes estranged from his labour because he is not the recipient of the product he creates. As a result labour is objectified, that is labour becomes the object of mans existence. As labour is objectified man becomes disillusioned and enslaved. Marx argues that man becomes to be viewed as a commodity worth only the labour he creates and man is further reduced to a subsisting animal void of any capacity of freedom except the will to labour. For Marx this all leads to the emergence of private property, the enemy of the proletariat. In fact Marx's writing on estranged labour is a repudiation of private property- a warning of how private property enslaves the worker. This writing on estranged labour is an obvious point of basis for Marx's Communist Manifesto. The purpose of this paper is to view Marx's concept of alienation (estranged labour) and how it limits freedom. For Marx man's freedom is relinquished or in fact wrested from his true nature once he becomes a labourer. This process is thoroughly explained throughout Estranged Labour. This study will reveal this process and argue it's validity. Appendant to this study on alienation there will be a micro-study which will attempt to ascertain Marx's view of freedom (i.e. positive or negative). The study on alienation in conjunction with the micro-study on Marx's view of freedom will help not only reveal why Marx feels labour limits mans freedom, but it will also identify exactly what kind of freedom is being limited. Karl Marx identifies estranged labour as labour alien to man. Marx explains the condition of estranged labour as the result of man participating in an institution alien to his nature. It is my in...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Answers to Questions About Semicolons
Answers to Questions About Semicolons Answers to Questions About Semicolons Answers to Questions About Semicolons By Mark Nichol Here are several questions from DailyWritingTips.com readers about use of prepositions, and my responses. 1. This sentence showcases my burning semicolon question: â€Å"That’s a great trick; best I’ve seen in ages.†I know the second clause in it contains no subject (or noun), at least explicitly. I’m therefore wondering whether this sentence can take a semicolon perhaps because the subject in the second clause is implied or instead deserves an em dash because there’s no second subject at all. The sentence, as you wrote it, is correct as you mention, the subject is implicit but the formality of the semicolon is at odds with the informality of the omission of the subject, so I’d opt for a breezy em dash instead. 2. In the following sentence, should semicolons separate the three business segments?: â€Å"Its businesses are divided into three segments: Domestic Retail, Bakeries and Foodservice, and International.†No, that’s a simple list with three simple elements. Even the addition of brief detail would not require semicolons, because the segments and their descriptions can be clearly delineated: â€Å"Domestic Retail, which includes merchandising through stores, Bakeries and Foodservice, which involves direct sales, and International, which deals with nondomestic buyers.†But when it would be obtrusive to repeat a structure such as â€Å"which (verb)†that clearly organizes the elements, use semicolons: â€Å"We invited our friends Jan and Dean; Fred and Wilma, the couple next door; and my brothers Greg, Peter, and Bobby and their wives.†3. So, a comma in place of a semicolon is wrong? I once read a book on crafting sentences that mentioned that a semicolon is never accepted in American fiction and that a comma can always do the work. I’ve been going by this standard, and I like the economy and simplicity of the comma compared to the clumsy, Britishy semicolon. Do you think I’m wrong? A semicolon does seem intrusively formal for transcribing speech whether within dialogue in fiction or when quoting a speaker but replacing it with a comma is erroneous, and the book’s advice is unfortunate. I recommend using an em dash or starting a new sentence instead. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Latin Plural EndingsHow Do You Fare?
Monday, February 17, 2020
Salam International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Salam International - Essay Example From the excel output, the correlation matrix provides that while the correlation coefficient (R2) is 0.109, the adjusted correlation coefficient is -0.010 and that of the independent P/E and P/B ratios is -0.0102. The result of the correlation coefficient implies that 10.9% of the total variation is explained by the independent variables P/E and P/B while the remaining 89.1% represents the unexplained variation by the regression model. Consequently, the result of the adjusted R2 implies that the model implies that the model presents the best estimate of the degree of the relationship for our variables in the population under study. Consequently, the output presents the standard error as 0.0255 which implies that approximately 95% of the observations should fall within plus/minus 5% of the of the line fitted by the model which presents a close match for the prediction interval. Lastly, the intercept of 0.067 implies that given a P/B ratio of 0, then we can predict ROE as 0.067. The correlation matrix from the correlation analysis postulate that the correlation of P/B ratio and ROE is -0.324 which indicates that the correlation is weak and negative hence a change in one variable results to a change in the opposite direction of the other variables. Consequently, the correlation between P/E ratio and ROE is -0.226 which implies a weak negative correlation which indicates that a change in one variable to a large extent does not determine the direction of change of the other variable. The correlation of the P/E and P/B ratios is 0.528 which implies a strong positive correlation the change in one variable, either P/E or P/B ratio results to an equal change of the other variable to the same direction hence an increase in P/E results to an increase in P/B and a decrease in P/E results to a decrease in P/B and the inverse is also true. T-statistics seeks to
Monday, February 3, 2020
Why College is important to Me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Why College is important to Me - Essay Example College is important to me as it will tell me who I really am and what I can do towards changing the world dynamics. I will study the different subjects and thus choose a career pathway for my own self, in light of the subject areas that I will study at college. I will thus gain hands on experience of what I will be doing in the future – which will eventually be my profession at the end of the day. The college will be significant to me as it will tell me how to exchange ideas and viewpoints with people, how to interact with them and will also tell me the exact way under which I need to conduct my own self at the best of times. It will give me the much needed exposure that I need in order to move about freely in this world. Thus college is important to me as it will give me the insight and knowledge that I desire for and the truth which is hidden from me, when it comes to knowing all about the world in
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Is Crime and Punishment a Realist Novel?
Is Crime and Punishment a Realist Novel? This essay will explore how the novel Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky does not adhere to the realism conventions we have come to know; it will explore the way in which the text is not realist because of Dostoevskys use of phycological realism, commonly referred to as fantastic realism whilst still employing some realist tropes. Firstly, to argue that the text is not a realist text, realism must be defined. There is a distinction between a realist novel and other literary works, realist writing is a representation of reality thus, it can never give the reader a type of true reality that is associated with life. The OED definition of realism defines it as the presentation of things in a way that is accurate and true to life.[1] However, Catherine Belsey states that a realist text positions itself between the facts and a type of illusion through a representation of a simulated reality which could be possible but not real[2], Realism imposes limitations on the text therefore Dostoevsky wanted to move away from such limitations imposed by classical realism. In a letter written to Strakhov, Dostoevsky explains that he has his own ideas that are shown throughout his works, he declares I have my own idea about art, and it is this: What most people regard as fantastic and lacking in universality, / hold to be the in most essence of truth.[3] One of his ideas that he employs is Fantastic realism which moves away from traditional conventions with emphasis on the characters rather than the narrator. Fantastic (or transcendental) realism varies from classic realism because Dostoevsky explores the significance of reality and dreams, it focuses on penetrations into the deepest realities of the human soul.[4] Dostoevsky first experienced the fantastic when he had the vision of the Neva [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] a silent and frozen world glittering magically in the last rays of the sun[5]. Prior to this, he pictured himself as living in an imaginary and exotic world of Schiller and Hoffman[6] but the dream of Neva changed his view on the real world, it suddenly became fantastic and memorable to him referring to the world as a literary daydream. In the text, it is referred to as Little Neva. Dostoevskys realism explores reality to its utmost extreme that would not be utilized in a classic realist novel. Dreams are scattered thro ughout Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov has about the horse being whipped and abused. Secondly, Dostoevsky was influenced by Freuds theory of dreams when writing such passages in his works, In Freuds study he realised that the unconscious often expresses itself in the form of dreams[7], he has a dream that drives him into action and [illuminates], in striking fashion, the unconscious forces at work within him[8]. The dream portrays his plan to murder the pawnbroker, he associates himself with the tavern owner Mikolka, and it is with this that Raskolnikovs anger is shown in the dream; The experience confirms that he does wish to carry out the heinous act however he tries to desperately convince himself that he will not act upon the motivations to no avail God! He exclaimed is it possible, is it possible, that I really shall take an axe and strike her on the head[9]. After the dream, he goes on to commit the crime which shows the unconscious influencing his decisions; the protagonists conscious and unconscious tears Raskolnikov thoughts into contrasting positions. Raskolnikov is not the only character to experience such dreams and reality in the text, Marmaladov experiences a different reality when he passes out from his alcoholism, this is where the fantastic is found. Svidrigailov also experiences a dream, he finds a young girl aged five crying, he proceeds to carry her to his bedroom and lays her on his bed, an impudent invitation gleamed from that unchildlike face; it was corruption, it was the face of a courtesan[10] Svidrigailov wakes up and heads to the Little Neva, he tells a Guard he is going to America and [pulls] the trigger[11] The dream is the moment that the characters mind is explored, The little girls innocence is taken away by the image of the courtesan representing the characters sins. In the dream, he also meets a fourteen-year-old girl that committed suicide; this young girl could be Svidrigailov himself because he commits suicide not long after the experience. Dreams are not the only device to show the fantastic in the text, Crime and Punishment goes beyond character dialogues and appears to enter the characters minds, the events as they happen are shown through the main protagonist Raskolnikov, the characters that are introduced to the reader appear to be different aspects of his personality. There are many evident doubles in the text that reflect the main characters alter ego, even when the character themselves are not there in the scene they show varied aspects of his personality, however, the characters that double Raskolnikov are themselves complex., having full developed personalities. Bakhtins theory of the dialogues between the characters exhibit this. Dostoevsky realises Bakhtins theory because the greatest of all contrapuntists genuinely surrenders to his characters and allows them to speak in ways other than his own.[12] The characters that he creates in his novels are polemicized with, learned from; attempts are made to develop their views into finished systems.[13] The characters are their own authors of their ideas, allowing them to break away from the usual use of the narrator, Characters that are presented in this way have multiple viewpoints that are equal in importance to that of a narrator on their own. The main protagonist appears to be in conflict that concerns his conscience and his unconscious throughout the text. To show this, Dostoevsky created the characters Sonya and Svidrigailov. Sonya represents the kindness that Raskolnikov occasionally shows, this is depicted through his charitable acts and kind gestures towards others. Sonya becomes a prostitute to support her family through hardships whilst her father Marmaladov cannot control his alcoholism, she goes to great lengths to be kind to others whilst managing to maintain her innocence. On the other hand, Svidrigailov opposes this kindness, he represents the will and power of Raskolnikov; he is the extraordinary aspect, the characters dislike one another showing their opposing aspects of his personality. The charitable acts that he carries out, he later comes to regret. This duality is confirmed by Dmitri Prokofichs description of Raskolnikov he is moody, melancholy, proud and haughty, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] He is kind a nd generous. He goes on to say Really, it is as if he had two separate personalities, each dominating him alternately.[14] Overall, although Crime and Punishment make use of some realist tropes it is not a realist text because of the use of fantastic realism. The minds of the characters and their relationship with the protagonist take emphasis in the novel, through the dreams that the characters experience the reader can see aspects of characters that one would not see in a traditional realist novel. The characters develop and display aspects of the main protagonist, in doing this in his novels such as the text discussed, Dostoevsky created a fundamentally new novelistic genre.[15] [1] Maurice Waite (ed.), Realism, Oxford English Dictionary (London: Oxford University Press, 2012). [2] Catherine Belsey, Critical Practice, Second Edition, (London: Routledge, 2002). [3] Marlene Chambers, Some Notes on The Aesthetics of Dostoevsky, Comparative Literature, 13.2 (1961), 114-122 . [4] Ilya Vinitsky, Where Bobok Is Buried: The Theosophical Roots of Dostoevskis Fantastic Realism, Slavic Review, 65.03 (2006), 523-543 . [5] Joseph Frank, Dostoevskys Discovery Of Fantastic Realism, Russian Review, 27.3 (1968), 286 . [6] Joseph Frank, Dostoevskys Discovery Of Fantastic Realism [7] Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan Strangers to Ourselves: Psychoanalysis Julie Rivkin, Michael Ryan: Literary Theory: An Anthology, Second Edition (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004) pp. 389- 396 (p.390) [8] Louis Breger, Dostoevsky: The Author as Psychoanalyst (Somerset, N.J.: Transaction; London: Eurospan [distributor], 2008). pp. 28-29 [9] Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Gibian (ed.), Crime and Punishment, p. 51 [10] Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Gibian (ed.), Crime and Punishment, p. 431 [11] Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Gibian (ed.), Crime and Punishment, p. 433 [12] Mikhail Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevskys Poetics, ed. and trans. Caryl Emerson; intro. Wayne C. Booth (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984). P xxii [13] Mikhail Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevskys Poetics, p. 5 [14] Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Gibian (ed.), Crime and Punishment, p. 182 [15] Mikhail Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevskys Poetics, p. 7 Trends of the Coffee Sector in Ethiopia | Research Proposal Trends of the Coffee Sector in Ethiopia | Research Proposal Coffee is the most important commercial crop-plant and favorite drink in the world. Next to oil, coffee is the second important and valued global commodity. It is estimated that around 20 million coffee producing households worldwide and nearly 100 million persons used coffee as a means of income for their living. The export value of the crop is enormous (US $15.4 billion in 2009/10). The genus Coffea seeds are used to make coffee from a roasted form and changed into cup for drink through a complex process (Davis et. al., 2011). Nowadays, studies indicated that over hundred coffee species exist. Out of these, the three coffee types, i.e., Coffee Robusta, Coffee Arabica and Coffee Liberica have economic significance. The first two types are traded in the world market. Coffee Arabica has an important part in some tropical countries economy. This type of coffee is cultivated in several places of the tropics, contributing for 80 percent of coffee market worldwide. It plays a substantial part in employment and income generation for developing countries like Latin America, Africa and Asia (Girma et al., 2008). Ethiopia is the home and basis of inherent resources and coffee Arabica diversities. The South and Southwestern parts of the country’s humid high rain forests were believed to be the original place of Coffee Arabica. Like many developing nations, the country relies greatly on export of key agricultural products in which coffee is the major and significant crop (Behailu et. al., 2007). Ethiopia was the 6th biggest coffee producer in the world and first in Africa, producing 273400 metric tons in 2008. During the same year, the country exported 179283 tons of coffee to the world market with a value of about US$562 million. This accounts 66% of the total produced coffee that is exported and 50% of the total worth of agricultural goods traded. 34% of the total produced coffee was locally consumed (FAOSTAT, 2009). Currently, Ethiopia contributes 3.6 percent of the total value and 3 percent of the total quantity of coffee traded to the global market, which leads the country to be the 10th largest exporter of coffee in the world and the first exporter in Africa. 40% of the total coffee production of Ethiopia is exported, which earns 33% of the overall value of agricultural goods exported and 24% of the whole export value of the country (Ministry of Trade, 2013). Over one-third of the population living in the rural areas and over 15 million populations sustain their livelihoods and participated in coffee production. There are around one million coffee growers in the country (Aklilu and Ludi, 2010). Coffee has been an important commodity which has got greater attention by the government of Ethiopia. It is the first cash crop that the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) started trading operations in April 2008 in order to advance coffee markets in the country. High costs and high risks of transaction were the features of agricultural markets in Ethiopia before 2008, with only one third of the production reaching the market. Besides, smallholder farmers have little information about the market which limits them to sell their final products at the nearby market, deal with good prices as well as minimizing their market risk (ECX, 2008). Sale of agricultural products and earning income is the primary objective of farmers. As a result, production resource allocation decision is affected by various factors such as price and level of output. Measures to increase production are incomplete without steps to increase market supply. The cash needed to purchase production inputs depends on the income earned from the sale of farm products (Bekabil, 2004). Smallholder farmers are the main producers of coffee by contributing 95 percent of the total coffee output in the country (ODI, 2009). The coffee growers in Ethiopia integrate coffee production into their strategic family livelihoods by cultivating food related crops for home consumption. Small scale coffee farmers do not have the chance to sell their products at competitive prices in the remote areas of the country (ODI, 2009). According to Aklilu and Ludi (2010), farmers faced different challenges even if the coffee marketing arranged by the government. They pointed out insufficient regulation of coffee price by the government where suppliers and collectors fixed their own price which is generally lower than the market price as stated by the government. Thus, such coffee market incompetence chiefly affect the income of coffee farmers and discourage them in the process of coffee production and marketing which lead to a significantly decreases in the country’s foreign exchange. This suggests that it is very critical to study and monitor systematically the production and marketing systems in all coffee growing areas of the country for the sake of planning and designing suitable research and development interventions that are applicable to the specific systems. Objectives of the Study The general objective of the study is to analyze the trends of coffee sector in Ethiopia in general and generate baseline information on production and marketing systems of the selected study are in particular by concentrating on parameters like production, marketing, institutional and organizational support and challenges and opportunities. Specific Objectives The specific objectives of the study are: To assess the production system and performance of coffee in the study area, To assess the market information and related socio-economic situation of the study area, To identify the major challenges and opportunities related to coffee production and marketing in the study area and Based on the findings of the research, forward viable recommendations. Significance of the Study The result of the study is helpful for the coffee growers and traders in the study area in planning and for development planners and policy makers in drafting policies for coffee production and marketing. Moreover, potential investors in coffee bean marketing in the study area can utilize the information in order to understand the market structure, price and profitability of the business. It will be an added value to the knowledge base on the production and marketing of coffee and a stepping stone and foundation for future research studies and researchers in this particular subject in the region. Finally, practitioners and academicians are expected to benefit from the findings of this research. Scope and Limitations of the Study The study is based on one-year data on coffee production and marketing in the study area. It also focuses on dry processed coffee bean as it accounts for the lion’s share in type of coffee exported by Ethiopia. In addition, the spatial coverage of the research work is one district (woreda) within a major coffee growing region in Ethiopia. Moreover, the study was constrained by the lack of vital data from most coffee traders in the study area. Organization of the Paper This thesis paper is comprised of five main chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction part. The second chapter contains review of related literatures. Chapter three presents material and methods used in the study including description of the study area. Chapter four presents the main findings of the research work. The last chapter summarizes the results, draws conclusion and offers recommendations. References and appendices will be next to the closing chapter.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Steven Jhonson Syndrome
STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT. Roberto Carmona Florida International University Abstract: Steven Johnson Syndrome is an inmune disease charactherized by a detachment of the epidermis from dermis. It could be fatal and the pathophysilogy involves a complex hypersensitivity reaction with the participation of T lymphocytes that induce keratinocyte’s apoptosis. The syndrome can be cause by drigs, infections and malignancies. The diagnosis is difficlut due to the abscense of specific manifestations and laboratory tests.There is a genetic predisposition in individuals with certain HLA types. The disease Overview: Stevens-Jonhson Syndrome (SJS)is an immune disease. The disorder was described as a delay hypersensitivity reaction with epidermal necrosis and the participation of infections, drugs and genetic factors. The clinical expression varies from a slight form to a serious systemic process that may implicate life-threatening complica tions and death. In spite of the differences in the severity of the manifestations, the etiology, pathophysiology and genetic influence remain the same (Hazim, 200).The disorder was reported for the first time by Stevens and Chambers in 1922, after observing a couple of boys with fever, diffuse rash and sores in the mouth and ocular mucosa. It was confused with measles. At the beginning of the 90’s after several investigations, the difference between Erythema Multiforme Major SJS was proposed. Further research revealed there were dissimilarities on the cutaneous lesion's pattern, whereas EMM referred to target raised edematous papules. SJS was characterized by blisters on top of an erythematous or purpuric base ( Mockenhaupt et al. 2011). Pathophysiology and Etiology: The development of a hypersensitivity reaction type 4 has been involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. There are groups of patients with certain conditions that lead to a higher risk of SJS: Slow acetyla tors, immunocompromised, and patients with cerebral neoplasia undergoing radiotherapy with antiepileptic medications. Slow acetylators cannot detoxify drug residues, resulting in a build-up of drug metabolites that may trigger an immune response at the tissue level. This mechanism has been shown in SJS associated with sulfas.The metabolite can also cause toxic effects per se. Other mechanisms included the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor that boosts the production of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8+). The mature CD8+ lymphocytes cause tissular damage inducing epidermic necrosis through the discharge of granzyme and perforin. The perforin kills the keratinocytes by forming complex insoluble arrangements. The activation of the cell surface's receptor (Fas), and the subsequent induction of the caspase system, lead to DNA instability and cell destruction.In SJS, Fas ligand has been found with high levels, and it promotes Fas expression by epidermal cells. Finally, the apoptosis of the k eratinocytes leads to a detachment of the epidermis from the dermis, and the inflammatory process will turn more intense and the progressive necrolysis of the epidermis will be extended ( Mockenhaupt et al. , 2011). Several causal agents have been related with SJS. These factors have been grouped in four categories: Drug induced, infections, Malignancies and Idiopathic.Medications have been established as the most common cause of SJS overall. Among the different groups, antibiotics predominate followed by analgesics, anticonvulsants and gout treatment drugs respectively. Sulfas, penicillins, ciprofloxacin, carbamazepine and antiretroviral drugs have been described by researchers as the most important agents related with the onset of the toxic epidermal necrolysis (Hazim et al. , 2008). Viral infections have been reported to be associated with SJS: Herpes virus, AIDS, Mumps, coxsackie, Influenza and Mumps.Other agents linked with the reaction have been: Streptococci, Mycoplasma Pneum oniae, Mycobacterium, Coccidium, Histoplasma and Plasmodium (Finkelstein et al . , 2011). Genetic predisposition constituted an important aspect in the occurrence of the disease. It has been established the role of the Human Leukocyte Antigen with the possibility of developing a drug-induced SJS. For example, HLA-B 1502 has been associated with carbamazepine reactions, and it has been used as a pre-therapy test. Toxic Epydermal Necrolysis induced by sulfonamides has been linked with HLAB7 and HLA-D7 (Phillips et al. , 2011).Ko Tai-Ming et al. (2011) carried out a research where they could demonstrate the role of the T-cell receptor in the pathophysiology of the SJS induced by Carbamazepine in patients with HLA-B1502. The results of the investigation showed an 84 percent of the patients that developed carbamazepine induced SJS were HLA-B1502 positive in the antigen presenting cells that will activate the TCR of CD8 lymphocytes. Diagnosis and treatment: The disease is often misdiagnos ed. The onset of symptoms like fever, sorethorat, and malaise may be interpreted as an infection and treated with antibiotic, which can aggravate the course.The laboratory tests are not specific and do not confirm the disorder. The skin biopsy shows the epidermal detachment and the presence of bullas. The high mobility group one protein (HMGB1) has turned recently in an important instrument for the diagnosis (Nakajima et al. , 2011). The management is focused to treat the skin lesions as burns with the correspondent supportive treatment, infection precautions and fluid's therapy. Antibiotics and immunosuppressive agents should be considered as well as cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine and immunotherapy (Hazim et al. 2008). Conclusions: Steven Jonhson Syndrome is a life-threatening condition characterized by a detachment of the epidermis from the dermis. The pathophysiology involves a complex immunologic mechanism consistent in a hypersensitivity reaction with the proliferation of cytot oxic lymphocytes and the subsequent stimulation of the apoptosis mechanism. Medications and infection constitute the most common factors associated with the etiology of the disease and there is a predisposition in certain HLA genotypes. REFERENCES Finkelstein, Y. Y. , Soon, G. S.G. S. , Acuna, P. P. , George, M. M. , Pope, E. E. , Ito, S. S. , . . . Garcia-Bournissen, F. (2011). Recurrence and outcomes of stevens-johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in children. Pediatrics, 128(4), 723-728. Retrieved from http://ezproxy. fiu. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. com/docview/896205631? accountid=10901 Hazim, R. , Ibrahim, O. , ; Hazim, M. (2008). Stevens-Johnson syndrome: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. Annals of Medicine, 40(2), 129-138. Retrieved June 7, 2012 from http://www. cbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/18293143 Ko, T. , Chung, W. , Wei, C. , Shih, H. , Chen, J. et al. (2011, December). Shared and restricted T- cell receptor use is crucial for carbamazepi ne-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 128. 6, 128(6), 1266-1276. Retrieved July 3, 2012 from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/21924464? dopt=AbstractPlus Mockenhaupt, M. M. (2011). The current understanding of stevens-johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 7(6), 803-13; quiz 814-5. Retrieved June 2 from http://ezproxy. fiu. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. com/docview/900631464? accountid=10901 Nakajima, S. S. , Watanabe, H. H. , Tohyama, M. M. , Sugita, K. K. , Iijima, M. M. , Hashimoto, K. K. , . . . Kabashima, K. K. (2011). High-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) as a novel diagnostic tool for toxic epidermal necrolysis and stevens-johnson syndrome. United States: Retrieved from http://ezproxy. fiu. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. om/docview/893270838? accountid=10901 Paiz, J. M. , Angeli, E. , Wagner, J. , Lawrick, E. , Moore, K. , Anderson, M. , ; Soderlund, L. (2012, May 30). General Format. InThe Purdue Online Writing Lab. Retrieved July 12, 2012, from http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Phillips, E. J. E. J. , ; Mallal, S. A. S. A. (2011). HLA-B*1502 screening and toxic effects of carbamazepine. United States: Retrieved from http://ezproxy. fiu. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. com/docview/884423149? accountid=10901
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Short-Term Significance of Adolf Hitler on...
The short-term significance of Adolf Hitler on international relations 1933-1953. Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader of the Third Reich had a profound effect on international relations from the very moment he became chancellor in 1933 to even after his death and the legacy he had left behind. It can be said that in the span of 20 years between 1933 and 1953 Hitler had huge short term significance on international relations, ranging from his views on the treaty of Versailles, war in Europe all the way through to the eventual split of Germany post 1945 following his death. By 1953 Hitler had a catastrophic effect on international relations, he had left Europe in ruins and effectively sowed the seeds for the cold war between The United States of†¦show more content†¦This quote of Hitler’s was incredibly reliable as it is a Primary source. Hitler himself proclaimed this quote and it drops the hint of his true intentions. Following an attempted Nazi coup in Austria in 1934, Italy, France and Britain agreed to the Stressa front. The agreement was made in order to protect the security of Europe from German expansion and aggression, however this had a huge weakness and played straight into Hitlers hands further fuelling instability in Europe as Mussolini wanted to pursue Italys imperial destiny.- [8] This gave rise to Hitlers personal ambitions of territorial gains in Europe and by now he had found a sense of alliance with Mussolinis Italy, an alliance that would have a huge bearing in the years to come. As tensions grew in Europe Hitler realised that Germany must be restored to its former greatness and this meant the reoccupation of territory that had been lost in the Sudetenland, the Rhineland and an Anschluss with Austria. Hitler wanted to bring all German speaking populations under one Reich and conquer living space for the Aryan Germans. In 1936 Hitler made his first claims on territory, ordering 22,000 foot soldiers into the Rhineland in direct defiance ofShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesand Adam McKeown 9 †¢ 2 Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 vii viii Contents Administrative Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The Humanistic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Human Relations Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Self-Actualizing Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 The Quantitative Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Systems Approach . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesPsychological Resiliency 139 Social Resiliency 143 Temporary Stress-Reduction Techniques 144 SKILL ANALYSIS 147 Cases Involving Stress Management 147 The Turn of the Tide 147 The Case of the Missing Time 150 SKILL PRACTICE 155 Exercises for Long-Term and Short-Run Stress Management The Small-Wins Strategy 155 Life-Balance Analysis 156 Deep Relaxation 158 Monitoring and Managing Time 159 SKILL APPLICATION 161 Activities for Managing Stress 161 Suggested Assignments 161 Application Plan and Evaluation
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Globalization Theory And Its Impact On The World Trade
Introduction Globalization has been imperative for sustenance of the companies and countries across the spectrum. Growth of free trade has caused changes not only in one aspect. It has brought changes in all the endeavors of people across society. It has been said that globalization is the process of international integration that arises from interchange of world views or products or others aspects of culture (Alon, Jaffe, and Vianelli, 2013). It cannot be delineated to any one aspect. It has caused a number of positive growths across the countries and has caused improvement in the quality of life of the people. However this aspect of globalization is not perfect. There are some inherent gaps and vulnerability to this aspect of†¦show more content†¦It has been involved in the stretching of social, political and economical activities. It has improved telecommunication and travel and made it very easy to access people across the spectrum (Hirst, and Thompson, 2002.). Virtually all the peop le are interconnected and most of the businesses are dependent on the companies and supplied from another country for its survival. There has many facets to this globalization impact the real magnitude of impact of globalization is a staggering volume. It has caused a tremendous impact to the life of the people and the processes of business operation. In this particular analysis, globalization with respect to product and consumption alone has been discussed in detail. Categories of product consumption In the international arena and in the free trade zones there are three kinds of trade activities that are practiced by the countries. The first kind of product and trade exchange that occurs are in the primary level products that are procured from conventional businesses. These include agriculture, mining sector and other essential commodities (Salomon, 2016). In this system the product and the consumptions are influenced by the classic market mechanisms of the nation. Product prices are fixed in this sector. In the second category of product are the intermediate goods that are based on the reference prices. The process of these intermediate
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