Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why Drugs should remain Illegal Essay Example
Why Drugs should remain Illegal Essay The debate on whether drugs should be legalized in the US has remained a controversial one in the public domain. Opponents of drug legalization have blamed drug abuse for increased crime activities in the society. In addition, drugs have significantly compromised the behavior of the young generation, an element that threatens the future sustainable social-economic development of our nation. Other claims against legalization of drugs include increasing irresponsible sexual behavior, spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS through sharing non-sterile needles, and negation of the nation’s economic development policies as it encourages black market practices (Clark, 1997). Proponents of legalization of drugs claim that it is in line with their constitutional right to the freedom of choice. Another common claim by supporters of legalizing drugs is that such could significantly reduce abuse among members of the community. This claim is backed by the assertion that being illegal, drug use remains hard to identify and make early interventions to safeguard the young generation (Goldstein, 2010). Further, proponents of legalizing drugs claim that it will give additional revenue to the government through taxation of drug businesses (Kallen, 2005). Indeed, available statistical indicate that the government looses billions of dollars through illegal drug business. All in all, given the negative social, health, and economic implications of drugs in the American nation, drugs should remain illegal in the United States. This paper is a discussion of the various harmful effects brought by drugs in the American community. The author will also give a critical look at the impact legalization of drugs in other nations have had to their community as a way of supporting why drugs should remain illegal in the US. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Drugs should remain Illegal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why Drugs should remain Illegal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why Drugs should remain Illegal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 2.     Why Drugs should remain Illegal The problem of drug sale and abuse has been a major problem facing the American community. According to the federal laws, the sale, possession, or use of illegal drugs is a crime. Numerous drugs have been categorized as illegal under the Drug and Food Act. In this effect, the federal government spends billions of dollars in the war against drugs in the nations (Boaz, 1999). Such costs include identifying, investigating, arresting, and charging criminals in the law courts. Other associated costs are those of sustaining the large numbers of prisoners convicted of drug related crimes in our correction facilities. Despite the numerous claims that legalizing drugs could resolve the drug problem, the negative effects of drug abuse are far much higher compared to any benefits that can come with it legalization. 2.1 Drugs and crime activities Drugs and drug abuse have been closely linked with the ever increasing incidences of crime activities in the community. Drug abuse negates the reasoning and judgmental ability of the victim or impaired judgment (Kallen, 2005). Based on this reasoning, victims of drug abuse have high chances of engaging in crime activities while under the influence of such drugs. In addition, drug trafficking is by it essence a criminal activity in the nation. According to statistical reports from the FBI, the US nation has over 31,000 organized crime groups most of whom are involved in drug dealing activities and violence against local community members (Boaz, 1999). Drug trafficking and abuse has no doubt led to escalation of violence and other forms of crime in the community. True from available literature, contractual agreements among drug dealers are tense and fragile. This is explained by the fact that most of this agreements end up in murderous rivalry among the involved parties, a factor that posses imminent danger to the neighboring communities. On the other hand, the war on drugs in the US has witnessed the killing of numerous law enforcement officials by members of the drug dealing cycles. In addition, drugs are a security threat to the local members of the community. According to the principles of effective security provisions in the community must engage the local members of the community. This is due to the fact that such are the people who live with the criminals in their neighborhoods. On the other side, drug dealing as a criminal offense leaves neighbors at threat of attack upon reporting such incidences to the law enforcement. Thus, drugs are a real source of the propagation of criminal activities in the US. 2.2 Effects on the youth generation Drugs have numerous negative effects on the young generation in our community. According to available information drug abuse among the teens begins at an average age of 14 years (Levendis, 2008). It has been established that at this age most children start using drugs like marijuana. On the other side, medical evidence has attributed the use of marijuana with high potential desire for engaging in the use of stringer drugs such as cocaine and heroin among others. Available statistical evidence indicates that an estimated over 40 percent of the American population between 12 and 18 years of age are actively engaged in abusing drugs. Apart from illegal drugs, alcohol and cigarette smoking form the backbone of the drug abuse crimes committed by this young population (Clark, 1997). This has the implication that the young generation is at the risk of indulging in the use of highly addictive drugs such as cocaine at the early ages in life. Moreover, dependency on drugs threatens the social and academic prosperity of the youth in the society. True to the letter, drug use compromises the reasoning ability of user. Based on this reason, it is commonly asserted that most incidences of school violence are a direct result of drug abuse among students (Croft, 2000). Still, due to the fact that drugs negate reasoning, it significantly compromises the ability of students to perform sufficiently in their studies. This is to be appreciated as enough claims to support the assertion that drugs threaten the future development of our nation. It is worth noting that education is no doubt the most important possession by an individual in the modern capitalistic community. On the social aspect of drugs on the youth is the question of antisocial behaviors caused by drug abuse. Drug use is associated with psychological effects such as stress, anxiety, and depression. On the other side, the structural principles of effective socialization dictate for optimum cooperation among the involved parties in the structure. As a result of this, drugs could sufficiently compromise the ability of the young generation to indulge in sustainable social relations in the community. In addition, drug addictive risks driving the young into criminal activities. It is common knowledge that the young members of the society are highly dependent on their parent for financial assistance. This poses a clear limit in their financial ability to meet their drug entertainment desires. Due to this fact, drug abuse by the young population is a direct cause of the high rates of crime offenses by underage in the community. All these have the implication that drugs are a major threat to the future social, academic, security, political and economic good of the US nation. 2.3 Drugs as a cause of irresponsible behavior Numerous psychological research findings have evidently established that the use of drugs has negative effects in the functioning of the brain. Most of the drugs compromise the victim’s ability to efficiently reason and judge situations. This implies that drugs can lead the user to lead irresponsible life (Christensen, 2006). As an emphasis to this is the fact that drug abuse increases aggression in the individual, an element that can lead to violent behavior and constant conflict with other members of the community. Another irresponsible behavior brought by drugs is irresponsible sexual behavior. Negatively influencing the worldview and reasoning of the victim, drugs have been significantly blamed for the spreading of HIV/AIDS in some American communities (Little, 2010). This is because research has shown that while under the influence drugs the chances of engaging in unprotected sex with a strange are quite high. In support of this assertion, the HIV/AIDS pandemic facing the African American community is mainly blamed on the problem of drug abuse in this community (Little, 2010). Sharing if non-sterile needled for intramuscular drug infection is one of the factors contributing to the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, which increases health care expenditure. . 2.4 Drugs and our health Drugs have numerous negative health implications. The use of drugs like marijuana and cigarettes has been evidently closely attributed with the high rates of lung cancer among members of the society (Goode, 1997). Unlike cigarettes, smokers of marijuana are at a higher risk of sustaining cancer. This can be explained by the high inhalation and long duration of keeping the smoke in the lungs by marijuana smokers. Another health complication brought by drugs is high blood and heart rate which if beyond a particular limit can result to death. Abuse of drugs leads to addiction. According to psychological evidence available, continued use of a particular drug increases ones risk of becoming dependant on the drug. On the other side, it has been asserted that the effects of some drugs such as cocaine and heroin are quite addictive even to first time user (Inciardi, 1999). Moreover, other drugs such as marijuana are highly influential in dictating for the use of stronger drugs such as cocaine. Based on the above reasons, it is quite clear that the abuse of drugs leads to dependency, a health condition that compromises one’s effective productivity in the society. Death due to overdose of drugs has also been a major social and health problem brought by drugs. Overdose of cocaine for example increases heart rate beyond limits, an element that can result to heart attack or even death (Gottfried, 2000). Other health implications brought by drugs include, depression and anxiety. Just to be appreciated is the fact that depression is a psychological problem that serves to negate one’s positive attitude towards life and other members of the community. Due to this, drugs are blamed for the increased incidences of suicidal behavior in the American society (Inciardi, 1999). As an emphasis to this assertion, statistical information on suicide, it is clear that most case of suicide reported is at the adolescence stage. This is due to the fact that the youth is the population that is heavily engaged in the abuse of drugs. Such can also be explained from the fact that the youth population is not mature enough to effectively deal with the psychological problems brought by the use of drugs. 2.5 Effects on economic development The economic implications of drugs are a two way problems by nature. First, drug business is an illegal one according to the law. Indeed, this is the reason why federal, state, and local governments spend billions of dollars annually in the war against drugs. Owing to this fact, the drug business remains an underground business. This means that the government does not enjoy the privilege of collecting revenue from illegal drug business. It is a common consensus that the American government looses over 12 billion in taxation from the multi-million drug business (Boaz, 1999). Such can be seen as a major blow to the economic prosperity of the economy. It is worth noting that it is through the revenue collected by the government that public infrastructures, institutions, and other community projects are implemented. In addition, the same revenue is used for overseeing the efficient running of government institutions responsible for addressing public needs. Therefore, drugs are a major economic blow as they deny the government revenue. The other economic aspect of drugs is its effects in rendering members of the community typically none productive (Koutsoumbos, 2009). As is evident from the effects of drugs on health and behavior, it is quite clear that drugs compromise the victim’s ability to provide reliable services at the workplace. Employee random drug testing programs are a common procedure used by employees to ensure soberness for the safety and efficiency of employees in an organization. As a result of this program, many victims of drug abuse loose job opportunities making them a burden to the community. Still, the question of aggression as brought by drug abuse compromises the individual’s ability to promote sustainable interpersonal relations at the workplace. This is a negation to the provisions of business management principles which perceive team work as a crucial in enhancing the performance of an organization. On the other hand, dependency on drugs results into economic dependency and increased rate of criminal activities in the community (Little, 2010). Although the government must provide for its population, working functions the ultimate purpose of ensuring individual economic and thus social independence in the community. Moreover, investment is a source of economic independence to the investor. However, with drugs being closely responsible for increased crime in the community, they indeed threaten economic independence of other members of the community. 2.6 Impact of legalizing drugs in other nations Many nations such as Netherlands and Portugal have passed legislations discriminating the possession, sale of some drugs such as marijuana (Little, 2010). This resolution has not been prompted by the fact that drugs are not harmful to the user but rather due to considerations of the high costs incurred by the governments in the unsuccessful war against drugs. Although nations that allow drugs claim reduced law enforcement costs, the associated costs of addressing the social, health, and economic consequences are no doubt far higher. On the other side, legalization of drugs in nations like Netherlands remains a real threat to the European nations. It is claimed that Netherlands acts as the transit of almost all drugs entering Europe (Little, 2010). In addition, the nation is a leading producer of cannabis, heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines as well as other synthetic drugs. Given that most European nations have zero tolerance to drugs, Netherlands remains under pressure to beep up it cross border security to mitigating trafficking of such drugs to Europe. This is no doubt an increased law enforcement cost on the government. 2.7 Why legalizing drugs will not bring economic benefits to the nation Legalizing drugs in the American nation will not improve our economic status as such businesses will still remain on the black market. This is due to the fact that drug dealers are used to getting tax free money, an element that will prompted tax evasion practices (Boaz, 1999). Further, legalization of drugs could dictate for government taxation of the drugs. This could also require drug selling to be formal. All this have the implication of substantially increasing the overall costs of the drugs in the market. Such could force for black market practices as a strategy by dealers to increase their customer and thus profit base. This means that neither the government nor the public would sufficiently benefit from legalization of drugs. 3.     Conclusion Drugs should remain illegal in the American nation. This is because they pose a major threat to our cultural, social, economic, political, and academic structures. Drugs have been significantly blamed for the increase of criminology among American communities. The American young population has been overwhelming received numerous critics for its drug abuse behavior. A part from these, even the nations which have legalized drugs have not seen any tangible benefit from the practices. Indeed, this nations are not only dealing with the negative effects brought by drug abuse among its citizens, but above all dealing with underground drug markets. America is for sure no exception; let drugs remain illegal to safety our social and economic development. References Boaz, D. (1999). Drug Legalization, Criminalization and Harm Reduction. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Christensen, M. (2006). Marijuana Should Remain Illegal. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Clark, T. (1997). Keep Marijuana Illegal-for Teens-Cover Story. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Croft, J. (2000). Drugs and the Legalization Debate. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. Goldstein, M. (2010). Legalizing Drugs: Crime Stopper or Social Risk? Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century Books. Goode, E. (1997). Between politics: and Reason: The Drug Legalization Debate. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Gottfried, T. (2000). Should Drugs Be Legalized? Brookfield, Connecticut: Twenty-First Century Books. Inciardi, J. (1999). The Drug Legalization Debate. California: Sage Publications, Inc. Kallen, S. (2005). Legalizing Drugs. Westport CT: Greenwood press. Koutsoumbos, T. (2009). Why Drugs Should Stay Illegal. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Levendis, J. (2008). Husak, Douglas, and Peter de Marneffe. The Legalization of Drugs. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Little, D. (2010). Marijuana Should Remain Illegal. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
3 Key Strategies for SAT Passport to Advanced Math
3 Key Strategies for SAT Passport to Advanced Math SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Worried about exponents or coordinate geometry on the SAT? Never fear, this guide is here! I'll explain everything you need to know about SAT Math's trickiest subject area: Passport to Advanced Math. This topic tests all the algebra skills you must have firmly in place before you move into the study of more complex math, including systems of equations, polynomials, and exponents. Of course, the questions are presented in a uniqely SAT way, so I'll walk you through exactly what you can expect from this subsection of SAT Math. Basic Data: Passport to Advanced Math There are 16 Passport to Advanced Math questions on the test (out of 58 total math questions). These questions will not be explicitly identified- there's no label or anything marking these questions as members of this category- but you will receive a subscore (on a scale of 1 to 15) indicating how well you did on this material. You will see this type of question in both the calculator and no-calculator sections. There will also be both multiple choice questions and grid-in questions covering these topics. Passport to Advanced Math Concepts Below are the major skills tested by Passport to Advanced Math questions. Pay attention, now! Understanding Equation Structure The College Board wants to know that you understand how expressions, equations, and the like are structured. Also, the College Board will call upon you to demonstrate a real comprehension of why they're structured that way- and how they work as a result. For a question like this, you need to put both sides of the equation in the same form. So we'll start by FOILing the left side of the equation: $$abx^2+7ax+2bx+14=15x^2+cx+14$$ By comparing the two sides of the equation we can draw two conclusions: $$ab=15$$ $$7a+2b=c$$ Now we can use the following system of equations to determine the possible values for $a$ and $b$: $$a+b=8$$ $$ab=15$$ Therefore, $a=3$ and $b=5$, or $a=5$ and $b=3$. Finally, we plug both of those possible sets of values into the equation $7a+2b=c$ and solve for $c$, which gives us $c=7(3)+2(5)=31$ or $c=7(5)+2(3)=41$. Thus, (D) is the correct answer. Modeling Data You'll have to demonstrate the ability to build your own model of a given situation or context by writing an expression or equation to fit it. Here, the testmakers are asking us to recognize that $C$ is a function of $h$. We're looking at a variation on $y=mx+b$ where $C$ is on the y-axis and $h$ is on the x-axis. In order to find the correct equation for the line, we need to determine the values of constants $m$ (slope) and $b$ (y-intercept). We can look at the graph and immediately see that the y-intercept is 5, but that only allows us to rule out answers A and D. We need to find the slope as well. The equation for the slope of a line is $m=(y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1)$ Let's choose points $(1,8)$ and $(2,)$ from the graph and plug these values into the slope equation: $$m=(-8)/(2-1)=(3/1)$$ Given a slope of 3 and y-intercept of 5, we know the correct equation is $C=3h+5$, so the answer is (C). Mathematical modeling will, unfortunately, not get you on the front page of Vogue. Manipulating Equations This skill is very important to have mastered, as it will be useful in a large number of problems. It's all about where you can rearrange and rewrite expressions and equations. This question is pretty straightforward in asking you to rearrange the original formula. The math needed to do so, however, looks pretty nasty, by a glance over the answer choices. Let's take a look. Really, all we're doing is dividing both sides by the big nasty part, which is to say we're dividing by: To do that, we can multiply both sides by the reciprocal, which is: $${(1+r/1200)^N-1}/{(r/1200)(1+r/1200)^N}$$ So, we have: $$m{(1+r/1200)^N-1}/{(r/1200)(1+r/1200)^N}={(r/1200)(1+r/1200)^N}/{(1+r/1200)^N-1}{(1+r/1200)^N-1}/{(r/1200)(1+r/1200)^N}P$$ The two fractions on the right cancel each other out and this simplifies to: $$m{(1+r/1200)^N-1}/{(r/1200)(1+r/1200)^N}=P$$ The answer is (B). Math is one place where manipulation is not a malicious or fraudulent activity. Simplification This aspect is all about turning down the noise within an expression or equation by canceling out useless terms. In other words, the testmakers are likely to throw a whole lot of impenetrable garbage at you and wait for you to rearrange it so it makes human sense. This question is relatively straightforward: it just looks like a handful. It's all a matter of lining up like terms and combining them; careful of the signs. First, we distribute the negative to the terms in the second set of parentheses: $$x^2y-3y^2+5xy^2+x^2y-3xy^2+3y^2$$ Then we combine like terms: $$(x^2y+x^2y)+(-3y^2+3y^2)+(5xy^2-3xy^2)=2x^2y+2xy^2$$ Thus, (C) is the correct answer. Specific Topics in Math Here, we'll talk less about the broad scope of skills you'll need and more about specifics topics you have to be familiar with. Systems of Equations You need to be able to solve a system of equations in two variables where one is linear and one is quadratic (or otherwise nonlinear). Often, you will need to identify extraneous solutions- so don't forget to double-check the answers you find to make sure they work. There's a lot going on with this question, so let's start by simplifying the first equation. $$x^a^2/x^b^2=x^16$$ $$x^(a^2-b^2)=x^16$$ Since we know $x=x$, we can infer the following equation: $$a^2-b^2=16$$ $$(a+b)(a−b)=16$$ We know $a+b=2$, so we can plug that in and solve for $a-b$: $$2(a-b)=16$$ $$a-b=16/2=8$$ The equations on the SAT tend to be more complicated than this one, though. Polynomials You need to be able to add, subtract, multiply, and even occasionally divide polynomials. With polynomial division comes rational equations. You've got to be able to clear variables out of the denominator in rational expressions. Clearly the issue here is simplifying that rather intimidating denominator. Let's try multiplying the whole thing by ${(x+2)(x+3)}/{(x+2)(x+3)}$. $$1/{1/(x+2)+1/(x+3)}{(x+2)(x+3)}/{(x+2)(x+3)}$$ $${(x+2)(x+3)}/[{(x+2)(x+3)}/(x+2)+{(x+2)(x+3)}/(x+3)]$$ $${(x+2)(x+3)}/{(x+3)+(x+2)}$$ $$(x^2+5x+6)/(2x+5)$$ You'll recognize that as answer (B). The "polynomial" heading also includes your friendly neighborhood quadratic functions and equations. You need to be able to devise your own quadratic equation from the context of a word problem. Exponential Functions, Equations, Expressions, and Radicals You need an understanding of exponential growth and decay. You also need a solid comprehension of how roots and powers work. This question looks vaguely impossible, but the trick is just realizing that $8=2^3$. Once we know that we can rewrite the expression: $(2^3^x)/2^y=2^(3x-y)$ Per the question, we know that $3x-y=12$, so we can plug that value into the expression above to get $2^12$ or (A). Oh, the fun we can have with exponents! Algebraic and Graphical Representations of Functions Here are some terms you should understand, both as they apply to functions and as they apply to graphs. What do they mean in each case? x-intercepts y-intercepts domain range maximum minimum increasing decreasing end behavior asymptotes symmetry You'll also need to understand transformations. You should understand what happens, algebraically and graphically, when $f(x)$ changes to $f(x)+a$ or $f(x+a)$. What's the difference? Adding a outside of the parentheses moves the function up or down, graphically, and increases or decreases the overall values being spit out, algebraically. Adding a inside of the parentheses moves the function side to side, graphically, and shift the output the corresponds to the formal input, algebraically. Analyzing More Complex Equations in Context Sometimes you need to combine your "mathematical" knowledge with a plain old sense of logic. Don't be afraid to plug numbers in and watch what's going on in that alphabet soup when you try some actual values. Take everything step by step. Tips for Passport to Advanced Math The Passport to Advanced Math questions can be tricky, but the following tips can help you approach them with confidence! #1: Use multiple choice answers to your advantage. Always keep an eye out for what may be plugged in, tried out, or worked backwards from. One of the answers listed has to be the right one, so toy around with those four options until it all falls into place. Be sure to read our articles on plugging in answers and plugging in other useful numbers. Also, don't forget the process of elimination! If two answers are definitely bad and two might be okay, at least you're now guessing with a 50-50 chance of success- and that's not too bad! #2: Remember that squaring an expression isn't something you can really undo. There are so many problems where it's tempting- and often best- to square an expression, but remember there are caveats if you do. You may end up with extraneous solutions or some other such nonsense. Squaring also wipes out any negatives that are present. Taking a square root messes with the signs in a different way: you're going to have a positive case and a negative case, and that may not be appropriate. #3: Make sure you understand how the laws of exponents and how powers and radicals all relate. These laws can be pesky to memorize, but they're crucial to know. Exponents show up a lot on the test, and not knowing how to manipulate them is just a way of robbing yourself of all of those points. There he is! The dreaded points-robber! Closing Words There are a few fundamental skills that are essential to doing well on Passport to Advanced Math questions on the SAT. A lot of it comes down to knowing the different forms that an expression or equation can take- and understanding what they al mean. Basically, get comfortable with equivalences, and with mathematical operations used on terms more complex than plain old constants, because you'll be seeing plenty of them. Another thing that this type of question tests is your ability to recognize information- and I mean this in the pure sense of noticing that a certain term can be factored out, that it would be convenient to rewrite an equation with a different system of organizations, or that if I shoved most of the terms in an equation to the opposite side of the equals sign than I would be left with the difference of squares on one side. This awareness is, unfortunately, the hardest part to teach- and one of the most important to practice. Remember to stay calm- and breathe. Use your time wisely: if a problem looks totally overwhelming, skip it. Save it for the end, and however much time (if any) you have left over. If you sense that you're truly stuck, guessing is not the end of the world- it's better than leaving a question blank. There's no guessing penalty, so you won't lose points for a wrong answer. Before you throw in the towel, though, and time permitting, take a few minutes to fiddle around with the problem, trying out some different strategies. Try anything that comes to you! Work backwards from the answer choices, trying them out and plugging things in. What's Next? Now, if I gave the impression that any of these skills are impossible to learn, I apologize. Certain skills are harder to pick up, but we've got resources that should give you a leg up. We've got articles that cover just about anything you could ever want to know about SAT Math. Now, anxiety results from anticipating the unknown, so make the worst of the possible worst on SAT Math a little less mysterious by trying out some extra tough problems. And, just in case, learn how to do your very best guessing on SAT Math. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Friday, November 22, 2019
Authentic Paper Writing Service †Join Us and Get Assisted Now
Authentic Paper Writing Service – Join Us and Get Assisted Now Writing analytical essays requires keenness. Otherwise, you risk going out of the topic, consequently scoring lower marks. This aspect is one of the things that our writers often observe because we care much about our clients. To ensure that you get a good grade, we often assign the best writer with enough qualification to handle your paper depending on the subject matter. Besides, we have good analytical essay topics that every client can choose from. This concept works in an event the question is open, and you are tasked with choosing your subject matter. Our service is one of the best in the online market, and we never disappoint. Many students often review us positively, thanks to our quality work. Importantly, when given a subject that requires analysis, it is feasible to read it repeatedly to understand what is required fully. Some of the topics for analytical essay can get you started whenever you face this kind of problem. The steps stipulated below are fundamental when writing an analysis paper. Understand objectives Decide on what you want to write Brainstorm for ideas Design an interesting thesis statement Think about supporting evidence Write an outline of the paper You will receive advice and guides if you join us. Here are 5 tips to get you started: Some people think that an analytical paper is merely a summary of events. Well, this notion is false. Do not summarize at all. To ensure that you are doing everything correctly, read your essay, and denote whether it sounds much the same as that of the main source. To avoid this, relate it to your points. A killer thesis statement is another way to let it stand out. Ensure that it has a topic, what is being analyzed, and conclude your findings appropriately. This way, your audience will have an explicit clue on whatever you are trying to discuss throughout the paper. To practice this concept, you can choose one of the easy analytical essay topics from our website and then practice. The paragraphs that follow it are supposed to back your thesis. So, write a topic sentence that directly answers the thesis. Think about interesting topics. Also, this is where the outline of your paper will serve you well. Define well your claims, that are evidence delving much on the main topic sentence. They are divided into smaller parts, but the information must be coherent and logical. Your outline will still prove crucial at this point. Lastly, conclude well your paper. Do not create a new idea in this portion. Instead, summarize your main points as is in the body of the paper. Our Tutors Will Create an Interesting Analytical Essay Topics for You The main recipe for success in achieving a top grade analysis paper is to create an interesting topic. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Skip navigation links BFS 3440-07B BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE Essay - 1
Skip navigation links BFS 3440-07B BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE PROTECTION (BFS3440-07B) - Essay Example Preplanning a building enables fire fighting officers to have easy access to the building and safely perform fire fighting operation in the event of a fire outbreak. It helps to guarantee that fire fighters would have the upper hand during firefight. Preplanning a building would help the fire protection engineer to effectively coordinate the different types of fire protection systems in the building such as the coordination of fire separations with the architectural designs, the coordination of the smoke control systems with the Heating, Ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) system, coordination of the fire alarm and the inlet/outlet systems with the security of the building, coordination of the tamper switches and sprinkler system water flow with the fire alarm system and the coordination of penetrations of the fire rated assemblies with the ductworks, piping and wiring penetrations. These series of coordination ensures the safety of life and property and maximum protection of the building in the event of a fire outbreak. Planning a building for the prevention of a fire outbreak assists in providing the fire fighting officer with adequate information about the building structure and allows the fire fighting officers to efficiently utilize their resources. Information such as those on the exits, floor layouts and the construction, which were obtained as a result of preplanning the building will ensure firefighter safety and would help in performing search and rescue more conveniently and efficiently. It is necessary to involve fire protection system engineers in the planning stages of a building as this would provide greater design flexibility, lead to an innovation in design and construction and produce better fire fighting
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Survey of Human Genetics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Survey of Human Genetics - Research Paper Example For numerous reasons the two copies of the same gene are not always exactly identical. There are often times two or more alternative forms for any particular gene. Genes that code for analogous proteins but have slightly different nucleotide sequences are called alleles (Alleles, 2009). An organism may possess only two alleles for any particular gene, and these alleles may be the same or different. All the variations within the genomes of each species are expressed through the various combinations of alleles, and this gives rise to the patterns of allelic expression. The different possible combinations of alleles directly result in some of the variation in physical characteristics which we observe in different members of the same species. These ideas about genes and their influence on physical traits come from the work of Gregor Mendel who is known as the "father of genetics". Mendel was a priest and scientist who lived in Austria during the 1800's, he performed experiments with peas. He observed that one group of pea plants produced peas that were always yellow and smooth. Another set of pea plants only produced peas that were green and wrinkled. When Mendel mated the two groups of plants, he found that all of the offspring produced peas that were yellow and smooth.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Process Proposal Essay Example for Free
Process Proposal Essay The process that is being analyzed is the payroll process at a firm. The process can be viewed as a series of steps done on a daily basis and then at month end when salaries are to be distributed. Their process flow along with diagrams is given below. Daily: The work of the system starts as soon as an employee enters and checks in for the days work. Every employee owns a magnetic swipe card which is given to him/her upon employment at dollar. The swipe card machine notes and stores the time of entry and exit for every employee along with other necessary information such as employee number, name etc. at the day end, this data is imported to the current system database (running on FoxPro) using a third party software. Issues such as total time worked per day (depending on employee type), overtime, absences and leaves are resolved then and there. Every employee, in case of over time put in, is handed a sheet at the day end called the ‘Overtime Sheet’. Records of it are maintained by respective supervisors as well as the current system. Monthly: At month end, the data that has been accumulated over the whole period along with the overtime sheets that every employee submits is used to calculate total salaries of the employees and then paid to them in the form of payslips. All deductions and additions regarding overtimes, absences, leaves etc. are resolved and then sent to the supervisors for verification. Upon verification, deductions regarding gratuities and additions such as benefits, allowances etc. are verified from the HR system records and then forwarded to the account system for tax deductions. The final process is then to transfer funds to each employee’s personal account and distribute payslips to each one of them. The transfer is carried out by the accounts department in co-ordination with the HR system and the payslips are distributed via supervisors. A diagram that illustrates this process is given below: As it can be seen, the process has various repetitive steps that can easily be eliminated if a computerized system is used. Especially the processes at month end, these can be shortened a lot if redesigned and enabled with IT.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers
1. The book Death of a Salesman is a play about a salesman who wants to be well liked by everyone. The title of this book fits the book because there are two salesmen who die in the book. The two salesmen who die in the book are Dave Singleman, who was well liked by everyone, and Willy Loman who was the main character. The book is about a traveling salesman named Willy Loman who has a wife named Linda and two kids named Biff and Happy. The theme of the book is that the most important thing in the world is to have personal attractiveness and to be well liked. 2. Willy Loman is a sixty-one year old man who is a traveling salesman for the Wagner Company. He had worked for the same company for thirty-four years. Willy’s last name is a pun on the word low-man which is symbolic of the kind of person he is and the things he has accomplished. He has nothing and owns nothing and he would be considered a low man in the world status. Willy develops a maxim that states the most important thing in the world is to be well liked. Willy is not well liked so he often lies to his family telling them that he is very important to the New England area. He also pushes his kids very hard to be well liked so he can live vicariously through them. 3. Biff Loman his Willy’s oldest son. Biff is thirty-four years old and was once a high school football star. He spent fourteen years of his life presumably somewhere out west trying to “find himself.'; Willy caught his father having an affair with Miss Frances and quickly developed a lack of trust for his father. Willy throughout the play seems to be opposed to his father, but there are many similarities between the two. There views on life tend to be the same and also their values are the same. This is found out when Willy sends his son to steal wood from a construction site to prove to Ben that he is a fearless character. Biff’s willingness to perform the task shows that their values are the same. Happy Loman is the youngest son and was often overshadowed by his brother. Happy works at a department store and has his own apartment. Happy was deprived of attention as a kid because his brother got all the attention.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Post-Compulsory Education and Training Essay
* Learning Objectives Justify your choice by reference to the cohort analysis, scheme of work and the assessment schedule.LO1 – To be introduced to the meaning of Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and compare and contrast the difference between the two conditions.LO2 – After watching a video, all learners will be able to discuss the triad of impairments linked with autism.LO3 – All learners will be introduced to the term ‘Theory of Mind’ and how this develops in children.LO4 – All learners will be able to identify the key components of The Sally Anne study. Most learners will able to summarise its strengths and weaknesses in supporting Theory of Mind.LO5 – Most learners will correctly answer an OCR past paper exam question on Baron-Cohen.LO6 – All learners will consolidate their learning with an interactive plenary on the topic covered in today’s session.The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to r elate to OCR Psychology (3.2 AS Unit G542: Core Studies) Allowing the students to be aware of this link to the assessment criteria will keep them motivated, and give their learning purpose to aim for a long term goal. The Learning Objectives have been differentiated to allow for learning to take place at all levels, and to allow for inclusion for all, despite the fact that candidates may have difficulties i.e. one learner has Asperger’s syndrome, and another has dyspraxia. These objectives will be achieved using all 3 VAK learning styles.(Honey and Mumford 1992)The learning objectives are differentiated and specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) to ensure accessibility (Wallace, 2011) * Teaching and Learning Activities Justify your choice of methods and resources to be used by matching them against learning objectives using reasons and evidence from appropriate models of learning. The teaching and learning activities for this session have been designed to introduce a new topic in Psychology, Core Studies. As this is an introductory lesson to a topic, I have prepared learning activities which are accessible to all the learners, to ensure that nobody is excluded at any time. (Wallace 2005) All activities are varied to accommodate all levels and learning styles (VAK) as pupils are often a combination of visual, audio and kinaesthetic. (Claxton 2002)I will promote inclusiveness during the session by having a list of key words if at any point they are unsure; have specific instruction written down as well as reading them out. Hand-outs will be given out with a choice of colour, and supporting any learners one to one where necessary. I intend to keep learners motivated by making everyone feel comfortable and safe in the classroom environment, ensuring a sense of belonging and to meet all learners self-esteem needs encouraging praise and independence where necessary and promote optimism so that all students are self-actualised (Maslow 1908-1970) Ensuring the humanistic learning theory is addressed, I will allow drinks of water when necessary, and provide fairness and equality for all learners. (Disability and Equality Act 2010)Room set-up- Arrange the tables into groups. This will encourage all learners to get involved (every learner matters) and to make sure that no learner is seated with their back to me and that I am not sitting behind a desk as this creates a physical barrier between the teacher and learner and encourages eye contact. (Wallace 2007)Questioning- Non directed questions will be asked at the beginning of the session to assess prior knowledge, which will be demonstrated through a thought-shower on the board (visual and auditory). Through-out the session the questions will become directed and scaffolded (Bruner, cited in Jarvis 2004) to assist in gaining knowledge and answers from learners.When asking questions, use learners names your and prior knowledge of their ability and personality (as I have never taugh t this class before, they have been given name stickers) This ensures that learners feel valued and supported. (Keeley-Browne 2007)Pre-starter – I have included a pre-starter activity, as with it being a 3pm class, students can often come in lethargic and unmotivated. They often need some immediate stimulation, to wake them up and encourage a productive lesson.Starter – We will create a though shower (visual) on the board to assess prior knowledge of this new topic being covered, and it gives the learners ownership of their own work, as their input is what gets written on the board. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning’ (Knox, 1997)Main Learning Process – The majority of the lesson is based around PowerPoint slides, videos and group discussion/work. This ensures that all three domains of learning are being addressed – cognitive (thinking in their groups and whilst listening to the presentation), affective (feeling how autistic people may feel after watchi ng the video clips), and psychomotor (applying their knowledge in a hands on task) (Bloom et al, 1971) This adopts VAK learning styles. Everyone benefits from using a wide variety of styles also known as whole brain learning. (Coffield et al 2004) When learners make an interesting observation/ comment, or get an answer correct, it is vital to give them praise. Many learners in sixth form can have low self-esteem; therefore giving out praise when warranted can enhance their feeling of self-worth and competence by acknowledging their qualities and strengths (Vizard 2007.)Group Work – Group work can be a largely effective way of learning, taking strengths from each individual and combining it for model answers. In this session, learners will be split up into groups for part of the task, ‘As well as being an enjoyable activity in itself, this provides huge opportunities for learning. It requires that learners process the new material and make personal sense of it.’ (Petty 2009) From the cohort analysis, I am aware of who works well and encourages/motivates each other. The learners are aware of this themselves, and usually sit with the people/person they work well with. If people are distracted then I will take action by changing the group dynamics. In their groups they will discuss one of the triad of impairments from their prior knowledge and information given on a video. This shows that they can apply the knowledge they have gained the thought shower and video into a new situation. (Blooms Taxonomy – application of knowledge.) Once they have completed their group work, they will now share and discuss their ideas with the rest of the class, by sticking their A3 sheet of ideas on the board. (Think, pair, share.)Hand-out- All work sheets are on coloured paper (if possible), which aids any dyslexic learners without them standing out, as the whole class will have the same colours. ‘Everyone who can benefit from further education should be able to participate’ (John Tomlinson 1996) The PowerPoint presentation will be accessible on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Assessment for Learning- A past paper question will be asked in order to assess their level of understanding from the lesson. They will complete the question under exam conditions (no notes or talking, and timed) and peer mark the question. They will be given feedback on which is a model answer, and which isn’t sufficient, and I will collect in and monitor progress. It is imperative feedback is given (Black & William, 1998).Plenary- All learners will participate in an interactive activity to assess and ensure learning has taken place (formative assessment.) Looking at the cohort analysis, and after a couple of lessons observing this group, I have noticed they work well as a whole class and enjoy interactive plenaries. The Deal or No Deal task will allow learners to gain feedback from the teacher, peers and feedback from themselves as they answer questions. It has been suggested that formative feedback has some of the most positive effects on learners. The greatest effect is on the weakest learners (Black and William, 1998) The group can become a little bit chatty and excitable when completing a group task, therefore I will need to manage the noise levels.Rewarding good behaviour and achievement allows learners to be respected and valued for who they are, how hard they have tried and what they have achieved and build up a mutual and trusting relationship between the teacher and learner, allowing the learner to feel safe and valued in class. This is expressed as ‘unconditional positive regard’ (Rodgers 1983)Try and make students feel good about themselves, even when you are criticising their work/ answer and trying to guide them onto the right path (two stars and a wish) Articulate the standards you have identified, i.e. elaborate what will actually happen in terms of teaching and learning activities against each standard, Do not just list or re-state the standards you have ticked off.You may group related standards together where they are addressed through one activity.Standard(s): AP 4.1 Use relevant theories of learning to support the development of practice in learning and teaching.Articulation: Use of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Proving a safe and comfortable learning environment, using praise to build up self- esteem on order to achieve self-actualisation. Blooms Taxonomy was also used applying the knowledge from the video clips and PowerPoint in the session to the group work on The Triad of Impairments.Standard(s): AP 4.2 Reflect on and demonstrate commitment to improvement of own personal and teaching skills through regular evaluation and use of feedbackArticulation: I write a reflection after every taught session. I plan to use De Bonos Thinking Hats after this session, using the feedback gained on the scales given to the class at the beginning and the end of the session.Standards(s): AP 6.2 Demonstrate good practice through maintaining a learning environment which conforms to statutory requirements and promotes equality, including appropriate consideration of the needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults.Articulation: This lesson meets the statutory requirements of a teacher required by Cronton Sixth Form College, meets the requirements of the examining body. The lesson filly includes all learners, and the cohort analysis has allowed me to be aware of individual needs and requirements.Standard(s): BP 1.1 Establish a purposeful learning environment where learners feel safe, secure, confident and valued. Articulation: Again this links to Abraham Maslows ‘hierarchy of needs’, providing a safe classroom environment, allowing for students to pass through all the stages to become self-actualised. Applying Rodgers ‘unconditional positive regard’ throughout the session, rewarding and praising good behaviour will allow for learners to feel valued and respected. Standard(s): BP 2.1 Provide learning activities which meet curriculum requirements and the needs of all learners. Articulation: The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to relate to OCR Psychology (3.2 AS Unit G542: Core Studies)The Learning Objectives are all differentiated, which will meet all learners various needs so ensure learning takes place. This links into Every Learner Matters.Standard(s): BP 2.4 Apply flexible and varied delivery methods as appropriate to teaching and learning practice.Articulation: There are many different delivery methods used for learning in this session, allowing for all types of learners to learn and achieve (VAK.) Such methods used are throughout the session are thought showers, questioning, practical hands-on activity, video clips, group work, peer assessment an interactive assessment activity.Standards(s): BP 3.1 Communicate effectively and appropriately using different forms of language and media, including written, oral and non-verbal communication, and new and emerging technologies to enhance learningArticulation: I will use various forms of communication during the session. Using theory on paralanguage to ensure my body language is open, e.g. no folded arms, eye contact and make sure I circulate the room so everybody feels included. I will have a steady pace, clarity and tone in my discussion and instruction (behaviourist). All meta-language used is listed on a key terms sheet to help with meaning of words, and the PowerPoint is clear and concise. I have implemented video clips on PowerPoint to keep up with emerging technologies, as oppose to me talking all of the time. This breaks up the lesson into chunks (cognitive theory) which makes them gain fulfilment and enjoyment out of the tasks (humanism)Standard(s): BP 3.3 Structure and present information clearly and effectively.Articulation: All information is presented on a PowerPoint, on hand outs and also read out so that it is clear for all students and their learning style. The lesson is all structured, differentiated and timed to allow for learning to take place in all learners. The presentation (including video clips) will be made available on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Standards(s): BP 5.1 Select and develop a range of effective resources, including appropriate use of new and emerging technologies.Articulation: The resources chosen for this session are varied in learning styles (VAK) and include all 3 theories of learning to ensure the lesson appeals to all, and doesn’t get monotonous. There is a PowerPoint presentation, group work, key words hand-out, a booklet to fill in whilst being accompanies by new and emerging ICT technologies. This includes video clips in the PowerPoint and an interactive Deal or No Deal Plenary.Standards(s): CP 1.1 Ensure that knowledge of own specialist area is current and appropriate to the teaching context.Articulation: I have ensured my knowledge of the topic autism is totally up to date and current. Figures and facts change yearly, so it is important to keep up to date. I have broken down my knowledge of Psychology from my degree to A level standard, so it can be inclusive to all learners, whilst still capable of stretching and challenging the more able learners.Standards(s): DP 1.2 Plan teaching sessions which meet the aims and needs of individual learners and groups, using a variety of resources, including new and emerging technologiesArticulation: This session meets the aims of the curriculum for this module, meets the schemes of work and is differentiated so that it is inclusive to all learners in this cohort (from Aspergers syndrome through to gifted and talented student). The resources compliment the plan and are varied in learning style and theory, whilst adopting new technology methods, such as interactive games for plenary in formative assessment.Standards(s): EP 1.3 Develop, establish and promote peer and self-assessment tools, including where appropriate, those which exploit new and emerging technologies. Articulation: This lesson will consist of them self-assessing their initial knowledge of autism, whilst continually self-assessing through the lesson. I will reinforce this with praise at correct answers and good feedback, and guide it through direct and non-directed questioning. Peer assessment will take place during the formative assessment (past paper questioning) Standard(s): EP 2.1 Apply appropriate methods of assessment fairly and effectively.Articulation: Directed and non-directed questioning is used; giving learners at all levels the opportunity to participate in the lesson. The Deal or No Deal formative assessment task allows all learne rs to participate, and makes assessing what they have learnt interactive and fun.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Babysitting: Game and Kids
No matter how much a person loves kids or the money received from the job, babysitting for an entire night can take you to hell and back; if not done right. Babysitting is a tough job, and it takes a lot of effort and patience. Being prepared and doing the job right can save a lot of time and trouble. Some ways to maintain a person's sanity and do the job correct include; being prepared beforehand, having a schedule, and making sure you have time to relax after all the kids are in bed. Before arriving to the house, be sure to have appropriate â€Å"play†clothes on. Anytime a person baby-sits, they risk having their clothes stained with snacks, or even tugged and pulled on. Also, taking off your flip flops or wearing tennis shoes could help while you're chasing that cute little scoundrel around the house. Your handbag should contain snacks, coloring books, toys, and maybe even a schedule if one is not provided at the house. The snacks for you as the babysitter should be healthy and energizing, and the kids should consume food that's not too high in sugar. Just so they don't have an urge to play tag all night. Coloring books are a great activity to calm the kids down, which can be relieving. New toys are always exhilarating to kids at any age and could keep them entertained, which would help time go by faster. As you arrive at the front door, you should have a schedule planned out in your head if the guardians don't have one for you. Having activities planned and knowing when certain things should be done can save a lot of stress. The activities for the kids should be entertaining as well as safe. You don't want the kids getting boo boos. When babysitting at night, it usually means the kids need to be put to bed. That means they have to get their pajamas on, brush their tiny teeth, and maybe even bathe. At this point your exhausted and just want them to be perfect little angels, but in reality that doesn't always happen. The trick is for the you as the babysitter to keep them entertained while they do it. A kid could use a mouthwash that colors their teeth. You could even find a way to play a game or sing a song while they brush. When it comes to bathing, good luck. That depends on the child, but toys and bubbles are always helpful in the bathtub. After all the kids have fallen asleep, it is time for the babysitter to take a quick break. Sit down for a little, and relax. After a couple minutes, its time to clean up all the little messes that were made. Cleaning up is very important, especially if the you want to be asked to come back. As a babysitter you should always try to make sure that the kids and parents are satisfied. Once you know how to keep everything under control, babysitting will be enjoyable. Kids are full of life and entertaining. Babysitting is always fun when everything is under control. It has its pro's and con's, but as long as you like the kid your taking care of and have everything under control; it will be a breeze.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Lord of the Flies Symbolism essays
Lord of the Flies Symbolism essays Man is a fallen being. He is gripped by original sin. His nature is sinful, and this leads to chaotic consequences. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding presents the theme of mans capacity for evil and its effects on the deterioration of society. This idea is displayed through symbols in the novel, especially objects and the characters. The characters, which serve as allegorical symbols for various human types, begin a descent into primitive and bloodthirsty savagery. Instead of being presented as well-rounded individuals, they each display specific qualities that are found in every man. Ralph, the protagonist, expresses rational thought and ethical behavior under the unsupervised circumstances. He portrays the role of government in any modern society. While he wants to satisfy the wishes of the public, he also realizes that certain rules of conduct must be followed in order to prevent anarchy. Jack is Ralphs antithesis who represents anarchy and savagery. Piggy is Ralphs stabilizing force; he is the intellectual power of the society. Simon, representing intuitive insight and self-awareness, is a mystic who understands that the beast is really the evil inside the boys. The pigs head, the most striking symbol in the novel, represents the uncontrollable dark side of humankind. Originally, it was left as a sacrifice to the beast. However, the pigs head tells Simon that it is the beast itself, and the boys were foolish for thinking the beast was something they could hunt and kill. This fear of the beast is implanted into the boys minds, thus disrupting the unity of their system. Fear of the unknown begins the boys lapse into irrational thinking and behavior. The conch shell is a key symbol in the island civilization and its fall. The conch is used by Ralph to summon meetings, and it represents order and civilization. At the first assembly ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Benefits of a Healthy Workforce Essay Example for Free
Benefits of a Healthy Workforce Essay Organisational health programmes are essential to the survival of companies. Undoubtedly, a healthy workforce would work wonders for any business by reducing absenteeism and turnover, and increasing employee motivation, productivity and revenues. Lowe (2004) writes that hundreds of studies have already documented the direct as well as indirect advantages of â€Å"healthy work environments†to employees in addition to their organisations (p. 7). Indeed, healthy workplaces as well as jobs contribute to the well-being of employees. These benefits may be realized by the whole organisation through lower absenteeism, lower turnover, higher job satisfaction, improved performance on the job, lower rates of accident, in addition to â€Å"reduced health benefit and worker compensation costs (Lowe, p. 7). †Moreover, research has revealed that the largest gains in productivity may be realized by the organisation that changes the entire work environment to make it healthier for all employees (Lowe). Research has also revealed that the impact of poor health is keenly felt in the work environment, so therefore managers require an improved understanding of the dangers of allowing minor symptoms to escalate. Four in ten managers who participated in a recently conducted survey related to workplace health complained that they often become angry with others and feel humorless due to pressure. More than fifty percent of the managers complained of physical pain, at the same time as forty four percent reported experiencing frequent headaches. Moreover, fifty five percent complained of constant tiredness, fifty seven percent complained of insomnia, while twenty percent simply stated that they found it difficult to make decisions because of ill health (Poor Health 2006). Unsurprisingly, these results demand organisations to put effective health programmes in place for all employees. Sick employees are not likely to be highly productive in any case. In the United States, businesses are known to spend at least U. S. $450 billion every year on direct health care. Poor health costs around U. S. $225. 8 billion to American businesses each year through absenteeism as well as productivity losses that are related to the health problems of employees and their families. Hence, insurers as well as employers have started to create a large number of health promotion and prevention programmes that have already started to pay handsome dividends. According to a study, American employers may â€Å"reap the average of [U. S. ] $3. 48 in reduced health care costs and [U. S. ] $5. 82 in lower absenteeism costs for every dollar invested in employee wellness (Toomey 2006, p. 13). †Of course, these benefits can be realized anywhere in the world. In the United Kingdom, three quarters of a million workers are known to take time off work each year due to work-related illnesses (Firman 2006). These illnesses are further known to cost businesses as much as ten percent of their total payroll costs. Indeed, by promoting health in the workplace and preventing illnesses through effective health programmes in the organisation, absenteeism and costs related to the same may be drastically lowered. The money that is saved thus may be used by the organisation to update its equipment; on marketing; as well for the provision of training to employees. Organisations may also be able to increase the number of employees with the cost savings realized through effective health programmes (Jim 2006). Indeed, the benefits of health management programmes in the organisation are aplenty. Healthy employees add value to the organisation. The care shown by employers can boost the morale of the workers. The entire organisation benefits from this, as it becomes more efficient with a healthy and therefore productive workforce. REFERENCES Firman, C. 16. 11. 2006 â€Å"Health Matters. †Motor Transport available at EBSCO Host database. Jim, N. 9. 6. 2006 â€Å"Health and Safety Assessments Cut Costs and Boost Productivity. †Electronics Weekly 2256 available at EBSCO Host database. Lowe, G. S. 2004 â€Å"Healthy Workplace Strategies: Creating Change and Achieving Results. †The Graham Lowe Group available at http://www. grahamlowe. ca/documents/93/Hlthy%20wkpl%20strategies%20report. pdf. Poor Health 2006: â€Å"Poor Health Leads to a Humorless, Angrier Workforce†article in Occupational Health (Jun 2006), 58(6) available at EBSCO Host database. Toomey, D. 18. 12. 2006 â€Å"Wellness and Prevention Programs Generate Healthy Outcomes. †Executive Health & Wellness Guide available at EBSCO Host database. Benefits of a Healthy Workforce. (2016, Jul 29). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cellular and Molecular Pathological Mechanisms in the Failing Heart Article
Cellular and Molecular Pathological Mechanisms in the Failing Heart - Article Example In many cases, however, it is not possible to arrive at a specific etiologic diagnosis, and thus it is often more desirable to classify the cardiomyopathies into one of three types dilated, restrictive, hypertrophic on the basis of differences in their pathophysiology and clinical presentation. About one in three cases of congestive heart failure (CHF) is due to dilated cardiomyopathy, with the remainder the consequence of coronary artery disease. Left and/or right ventricular systolic pump function is impaired, leading to progressive cardiac enlargement and hypertrophy, a process called remodeling. Symptoms of CHF typically appear only after remodeling has been ongoing for some time. There is, however, no close correlation between the degree of contractile dysfunction and the severity of symptoms. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy, typically of a nondilated chamber, without obvious cause such as hypertension or aortic stenosis. Two fe atures of HCM have attracted the greatest attention: (1) asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy, often with preferential hypertrophy of the interventricular septum; and (2) a dynamic left ventricular outflow tract pressure gradient, related to a narrowing of the subaortic area as a consequence of the midsystolic apposition of the anterior mitral valve leaflet against the hypertrophied septum. The hallmark of the restrictive cardiomyopathies is abnormal diastolic function. The ventricular walls are excessively rigid and impede ventricular filling. Myocardial fibrosis, hypertrophy, or infiltration due to a variety of causes is usually responsible. The infiltrative diseases, which represent important causes for secondary restrictive cardiomyopathy, may also show some impairment of systolic function. The inability of the ventricle to fill limits cardiac output and raises filling pressure. Therefore, exercise intolerance and dyspnea are usually the most prominent symptoms. As a result o f persistently elevated venous pressure, these patients commonly have dependent edema, ascites, and an enlarged, tender, and often pulsatile liver. The jugular venous pressure is elevated and does not fall normally, or it may rise with inspiration (Braunwald, 2005, 13-78). The current concepts in the cellular mechanism of established cardiac failure suggest that a failing heart is in an energy-depleted state. There are ongoing debate and continued research in this area, and it has been suggested that there is an imbalance between energy production and energy utilization. Human atrial myocytes have been found to be responsive to a swelling-activated outwardly rectifying chloride current. Although the exact function has still not yet been delineated, it has been suggested that these chloride currents are thought to modulate cardiac electrical activity. It has also been suggested that the hemodynamic perturbations responsible for the development of CHF and cellular hypertrophy place myocytes under mechanical stress. This, in turn would lead to complex cellular remodeling and activation of signaling systems at the intracellular levels. In a gross level, congestive heart failure is associated with cardiomyopathy, where the congestive heart failure is the resultant of cardiomyopathy. In cardiomyopathy, due to weakness of muscles of the heart, heart is not able to pump
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